When Malaysian Parents Tell Their Kids About Falling In Love, They Say...
Disclaimer: Some names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals.
All The Annoying But Cute Things About Women, As Told By 11 Guys
Women are complicated creatures. We asked 11 guys what women say or do that drive them crazy, but are ironically some of the same things that make them endearing. NOTE: The names of the interviewees have been changed to protect their privacy.
[QUIZ] Which Malaysian Lagu Jiwang Is The Soundtrack Of Your Life?
Are you the "Belaian Jiwa"? Someone who can relate to "Kan Guo Lai", or Rosmah's heartfelt song dedicated to her husband? Take our test to determine the soundtrack of your love life!
What's It Like To Hear The Voice Of A Loved One You Lost Long Ago
A perfect Feel Good Friday story to warm your heart and restore your faith in goodness of people.
5 Simple Ways You Can Still Make The Most Out Of 2016
It hasn't exactly been a smooth-sailing year for some of us, but that doesn't mean you can't end the year on a high note.
The Day Charlotte Found Out Her Buff Boyfriend Wasn't Just Some Other Guy...
Charlotte Urie is madly in love with her boyfriend, Kieran Moloney, only to find out he has a shocking past!
[PHOTOS] How 23 Different Artists Made The Perfect Birthday Present For This Man's Wife
Possibly one of the most creative and heartwarming birthday present ever, one that's only going to grow fonder with each growing year.
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Rush Into Marriage Just Yet
Just because most of your friends are getting married, doesn't mean you should too. Marriage is not a race to the altar!
[PHOTOS] Photographer Maria Sharp Says Goodbye To Her Dog In A Heartfelt Photoshoot
Saying goodbye to a loved one (yes, even a pet!) is one of life's hardest experiences one goes through. So when 23-year-old Maria saw that the days with her beloved dog were numbered, she decided to capture their last moments together so that she could always remember her dog Chubby.
A Man Actually Called And Texted His Ex 21,807 Times Because He Wanted Her To Thank Him
He admits that, with hindsight, "it was stupid" to phone and text his ex-girlfriend 21,807 times over a 10-month period. He was sent to prison Thursday.
Doting Three-Year-Old Boy Feeds His Paralysed Mum By Mouth
They say the bond between a mother and child is the strongest bond of all, and it would be difficult to find a more moving example than the story of three-year-old Gao Qianbo and his mum, Zhang Rongxiang.
These Guys Are Winning The "Coolest Dads On The Internet" Award This Father's Day
Dads have been winning the heart of the Internet left and right this year. Here are some of the coolest dads that have made the Internet a little more awesome. Do you think your dad has it in him to beat these dads in the cool-quotient?
Results for #relationships