
This Brilliant Map Has Wi-Fi Passwords From Airports Around The World

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Cover image via foxnomad

Meet Anil Polat, a blogger and computer security engineer. Polat, in his own words, is on a journey to visit every country in the world.

Using the power of crowd-sourcing, Polat has gathered the names of networks and passwords along with the location of Wi-Fi hubs from airports and lounges around the world. He used all this info to create an interactive map, and he updates the map regularly.

Yep, the above map you see, called WiFox map, will help easily find Wi-Fi passwords of major hubs from around the world. For example:

Image via foxnomad

Not just that, the map, shareable on Google Maps, also includes tips on which airline lounges/bars/restaurants are providing free Wi-Fi

Tips such as where you should sit at airports to get the best signal, etc are included.

And if you're thinking the map provides information about how to get those free 15 minutes of Wi-Fi access by watching an ad or video, you would be absolutely wrong.

Polat's map contains log-on information for the lesser-used Wi-Fi in places like restaurants, bars, and lounges in airports around the world.

In addition to the map, Polat has created an app for it

Called WiFox, it's available for iOs, Android and Amazon.

The app, which is available offline, however, is not free, like the interactive map.

Thank you for making waiting at airports non-boring, Polat!

Image via Giphy

On the other hand, if you're experiencing slow Internet at your place, it might be that someone has hacked into your WiFi:

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