
Celebrate Raya And The World Cup By Winning Duit Raya And E-Money With This App

Yay for extra money!

Cover image via OhBulan & DNA India

This Spotlight is sponsored by Boost.

Two exciting seasons that we've all been waiting for are finally here - Raya and The World Cup!

The most anticipated football event of the year kicked off first, closely followed by the start of Raya the day after. With these two huge events taking place so close to each other, it's definitely going to be an extra happening festive month ahead!

Boost wants to unite all the kaki bola and bring people together to share the joy of Raya, by giving you more fun ways to celebrate these seasons. Here's how you can join in:

1. Win yourself some extra duit raya by taking part in a simple challenge

Image via Boost

All you have to do to get started is scan any Boost QR code, that's literally it! Once you do, you'll automatically get two free in-app raya packets.

Want more? Just share one of your packets to a friend. Once they accept your invite and join the game, you'll immediately get two more in-app raya packets the very next day!

There's no limit on how much you can win - the more you share, the more you'll get. So spread the fun and share the love this Raya while stocking up on duit raya too ;)

2. Take Raya to the next level by sending e-duit raya via the app

Image via Boost

Not many of us actually carry cash around with us these days, preferring to shop online, or pay with cards and/or other types of cashless payment services like Boost. It's just so much more convenient and hassle-free, plus it helps the environment too.

Now, you can carry on this trend when it comes to giving duit raya. No more worrying about not having enough raya packets and having to queue up at the bank for hours just to get small change.

With the Boost app, you can be among the first to lead the way in e-duit raya giving. You can either send out virtual raya packets one by one, or multiple at once for added convenience.

3. Take this opportunity to get into the spirit of the season by giving to the less fortunate

Image via Boost

Boost is proud to be one of the pioneers in digitising donation. Ever since the start of Ramadan, there has been a list of charity homes listed on the app. Users can choose to donate any amount they want or even their in-app Shake rewards to any of the listed charities.

This feature will be live until the end of Syawal. It's truly a great way to make it super easy for us to help those in need, especially during this season that celebrates giving back.

4. Join the World Cup fever and get in on all the action with The Boost Cup

This is the true test of how big of a kaki bola you are, all your years of knowledge and preparation has led to this moment - can you correctly predict who will win the World Cup matches?

Predict who will win the match of the day according to the World Cup schedule in the app and you'll score points for every correct prediction. Star players with the most points at the end of the World Cup season will win a share of RM90,000!

So if you haven't already looked up the teams, it's time to start doing some research to make sure all your predictions are spot on.

Download Boost today and don't miss out on celebrating Raya and the World Cup with some extra cash! ;)

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Image via SAYS

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