
Glass Users Can Soon Upgrade Their Hardware And Even Invite Their Friends To Buy One

Google is relying on a little social networking to put its Internet-connected glasses on the heads of more people. The expanded sales of the device known as Google Glass will come as part of an invitation-only program announced Monday.

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Google will soon let Glass users upgrade their hardware and invite their friends to buy one

It won’t be too long before Google begins offering its Glass specs to one and all, with many expecting a rollout in the first half of next year. Between now and then, the Mountain View company will continue to refine its face-based computer, rolling out monthly software updates for its thousands of Explorer users to test out.
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On Monday, Google said it wanted to expand the Explorer program, offering existing Glass users the chance to invite three friends to become part of the select group.

Google plans to release a less-expensive model of Glass next year. The precise pricing and timing of the mass-market version still hasn't been determined.

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“Over the next few weeks, all Explorers will have the opportunity to invite three friends to join the program,” the company said on its Google+ page.

Adding, “They’ll be able to buy Glass online and can have it shipped to their home, office, treehouse or igloo. We’re counting on you to get Glass to the people you think will make great Explorers. More Explorers means more feedback, and more feedback means better Glass.”

Google Glass lead designer Isabelle Olson posted this less geeky looking frame

The person modeling these frames is Amanda Rosenberg, who is now said to be dating Google founder Sergey Brin

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Isabelle Olsson, lead industrial designer of the Google Glass team, recently posted a few images of her new Google Glass designs that have a touch of fashion added.

The redesigned Glass Rosenberg is wearing looks like a pair of regular prescription glasses or a pair of fashionable sunglasses. However, take a closer look and you will be able to see the Google Glass peripheral blending in nicely on the right side of the frame.

While this isn't an indication that users will be able to get their Google Glasses in this fashionable flavor anytime soon, it shows that the Google Glass peripheral can easily be attached to frames with more user-friendly designs.

Google Glass update adds web browser, additional voice commands

There will be improved voice controls which will enable Google Glass owners to have incoming messages read aloud to them, and one is also able to send replies to those messages, answer calls and share content with a contact directly.

Google has just announced a new update for Google Glass which makes significant improvements to voice notifications, calling abilities and search.

Another major enhancement is the ability to send a message or make a phone call to contact in your Gmail contacts list. Prior to this update, a user could only choose from 10 contacts.

The update will be rolling out to users over the next few days. If you own one, you will be able to take the features for a spin very soon.

SAYS had a taste of Google Glass, and it was stupendous

Geeks On A Plane visited us at the Secret Hideout today, and a guy from Google brought along a Google Glass for us to play with! We asked those who had a chance to try it to describe their Google Glass experience in one word, and they said "indescribable; nice; amazing; stupendous; the future; the next big thing; super cool..." and the list goes on!

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Now, Google Glass for 'working' dogs

Bomb sniffing dogs would be able to more effectively communicate what they’re finding to police, says Metz. The dogs would also be able to help disabled people navigate the world more easily.

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Internet giant Google is reportedly planning to develop its wearable computing device Google Glass for dogs with occupation.

Google has teamed up with Georgia Institute of Technology, in order to develop a wearable computer system that could give bomb-sniffing and cadaver dogs an easier way to communicate with their handlers, or even let man see the world through an animal's eyes.

Currently dogs are testing devices that would let a dog activate a sensor, which then gets activates a tone that is heard through an earpiece, but eventually the technology could transmit video from a dog to a human's heads-up display, the Review reported.

The project called FIDO (Facilitating Interactions for Dogs with Occupations) could allow pooches to bite down on or otherwise activate a sensor which can send information to its handler.

Google bans porn apps for Google Glass

The first pornographic app for high-tech computer eyewear Google Glass was released Monday after only being announced last week and has just as quickly been banned.

Taking a much stricter stance than it ever has with the Android app store, Google is going to be banning porn apps from Google Glass. The first app's head to roll will be Tits & Glass, the Google Glass porn app that was announced last week.

More than 10,000 people have visited the landing page for the app, and a dozen Glass owners have signed up with the app, MiKandi CEO Jesse Adams said in a blog post.

Google has a zero-tolerance policy against child pornography. If we become aware of content with child pornography, we will report it to the appropriate authorities and delete the Google Accounts of those involved with the distribution.

Google has added a new section to its developer policies for Google Glass that prohibits apps from delivering sexually explicit content. "We don't allow Glassware content that contains nudity, graphic sex acts or sexually explicit material," the section reads.

Breaking News! He Found it!

@lukew: The TSA recovered my @googleglass & put them in a safe in a building off airport property. Went there last night & got em.

Meet the first guy unlucky enough to lose his Google Glass

Luke's tweet!

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As far as dubious honors go, this one is probably the most dubious of them all. Luke Wroblewski is the first recorded case of person losing his/her Google Glass.

“[It's] pretty nerve-racking. It’s an expensive and still-rare item – plus I’ve been using them to develop Glassware. So [it's] not good on a number of fronts,” Luke told VentureBeat via email

Wroblewski, who wasn’t wearing the device when he lost it, said that it slipped out his bag as he went through airport security. “[I'll] put them in a zippered pocket next time,” he said.

Looking through Google Glass, literally

In the video, you'll see exactly how you use voice recognition to activate features like taking a picture and video, initiating a call and a Google+ Hangout. Photo credit: Malaysian Digest.

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Hackers find hole in Google Glass security

Graphic shows how the Google Glass system projects information directly onto the retina, allowing users to see a small computer screen inset into the upper right area of their vision.

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Google Glass, the wearable computer being developed by the search giant, might be a threat to its owners’ privacy because it has no PIN or authentication system, hackers have discovered.

Jay Freeman, a programmer who specialises in cracking smartphone security, discovered that Glass has a “root” capability which can be enabled by attaching it to a desktop computer

“A bugged Glass doesn’t just watch your every move: it watches everything you are looking at and hears everything you do. The only thing it doesn’t know are your thoughts.”

Video: Glass How-to: Getting Started

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In 2016, there will be 10 million Google Glass wearers

Google Glass won’t officially be fit for public use until 2014 but one research firm forecasted that the global market for such technology could reach 9.4 million units by 2016.

Google Glass raised privacy concerns long before units landed in the hands of developers. Now IHS has forecast that, despite these concerns, 10 million "smart glasses" will be shipped by 2016.

IHS believes Google Glass hype will be enough to boost demand for similar smart headset products to the point where the company is predicting shipments of 124,000 units before year end.

However, by 2014 — when Google Glass makes its official public debut — sales could increase by 250 per cent, and IHS believes that by 2016 yearly shipments could have hit 6.6 million units.

How do they arrive at this conclusion? Nobody really knows. It’s a forecast, but has no real basis. Glass, and everything like it, is far too green to predict any kind of legitimate sales numbers.

Google Glass dibida sehingga RM290,000 melalui eBay

The Ebay user, who wishes only to be known as Ed from Philadelphia due to fears of being harassed by Google enthusiasts, listed Glass with a starting bid of $5,000.

Google Glass dibida setinggi RM 290,000 Di eBay Sebelum Ditarikbalik

Google's terms of service regarding ownership and use of Glass

As spotted by Wired, Google's terms of service regarding ownership and use are fairly specific:

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Google Glass owners are not allowed to sell or share the device

Google holds the right to deactivate Google Glass if users resell, loan Or transfer without authorization (Photo : Reuters)

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Google’s terms of service on its limited edition Google Glass states you can’t resell them, loan, transfer or give your device away to someone else.

Glass owners who don't want their device have up to 30 days from delivery to cancel their purchase, according to the terms

Furthermore, Google also refrains developers from placing ads on its device or even charging users to download any app for the device.

But here's the catch: While users can't commercially resell Glass, however, Google says they can give the device as a gift.

Google releases official specs for Google Glass

Google Glass comes with 16GB (only 12GB will be usable) Flash memory, 5 megapixel camera for stills, 720p video recording, Wi-Fi b/g & Bluetooth.

The display will have a resolution that “is the equivalent of a 25 inch high-definition screen from eight feet away" while photos should have a 640x360px resolution.

Google claims Glass battery life will last up to "one full day of typical use," though notes that certain applications like video recording & Hangouts will have a greater impact on endurance.

FAQ, "Is it ok to go scuba diving with Glass?" A, "No, jackhammering is also probably out, while laws concerning mobile devices and driving may rule out use behind the wheel as well."

Google Glass represents the new age of ‘tech intimacy’

The development and launch of Google Glass could usher in an era of computer intimacy. That's according to comments made public Friday by Intuit Chairman

Without betraying secrets, the noted corporate adviser says to expect "the application of technology to really intimate things"

Campbell largely celebrated the fast-paced evolution of highly personal computing, suggesting that Google Glass is just the beginning of how intimate technology will eventually become.

Building new experiences with Glass

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How it feels looking through Google Glass

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Google Glass unveils new features - the good and bad

This is also the first time we're seeing all the color options: Charcoal, Tangerine, Shale, Cotton and Sky.

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Today Google released a new video demonstrating how it feels to see the world through Project Glass.

Google has designed Glass to be very simple and easy to use. For example, if you want to take a picture you simply say, "take a picture."

“OK Glass, record a video.” Imagine a bunch of people murmuring to themselves in public, each phrase beginning with “OK Glass.” That’ll be the future if Google has its way

Other features appeared to include video chats, similar to Google Hangout, and other information like weather reports and map directions.

Google Glass Contest : Get Your Hands On A Pair

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To apply, you'll need to write 50 words or less explaining what you'd do if you had Glass, starting with the hashtag #ifihadglass.

Google is asking entrants to tag their ideas, which must be no longer than 50 words, with the hashtag #ifIhadglass.

Google pulls a Wonka, announcing a contest for a chance to be among the first to wear the augmented reality glasses.

Other How It Feels Through The Google Glass Videos

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Every Picture Of Google Glasses So Far

On April 7, Google co-founder Sergey Brin was the first Googler to be spotted in the wild wearing Google Glasses. He wore the futuristic specs to a charity event in San Francisco. Somewhat ironically, the charity at the event was a foundation fighting against blindness, and the event centered around a dinner eaten in total darkness.

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Here's Brin with technology journalist Robert Scoble at the same event. You can read more about Brin's outing here.

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A Prototype Of How Google Glasses Might Work With Prescription Glasses. On April 12, about a week after Brin's public appearance, Google designer Isabelle Olsson allayed the fears of many a prescription glasses-wearing folk with this photo on her Google+ page. The photo depicts "an early mock-up to show how the device might work with prescription glasses," confirming that those who already wear glasses won't miss out on the fun when Google's augmented reality glasses do emerge.

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Sebastian Thrun Takes A Photo of Charlie Rosen While On The Charlie Rose Show. During the Charlie Rose interview, Thrun snapped this picture of Rose and posted it to his Google+ page -- all while talking, and without lifting a finger. It was the first indication we had that Google's glasses, in their early stages, actually worked.

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Sebastian Thrun Takes A Photo Of His Son Using His Glasses. Thrun posted this photo, snapped hands-free (obviously) with Google Glasses, to his Google+ page on May 8th.

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The same day Thrun posted his whirl-around photo of his son, a couple of Google guys made this photo public: The man in the picture is Vic Gundotra, VP of Social at Google, and the photo was taken by Bradley Horowitz, VP of Product at Google, and posted to his Google+ account.

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Finally, on Tuesday, May 22, Google employee Jason Mayes uploaded a few photos of CEO Larry Page to his Google+ profile. Page was speaking at the Google Zeitgeist event in England. Mayes has since taken the photos down, but not before our buddies at TechCrunch saved the photos themselves.

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Another image of Page from Jason Mayes.

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One last look at Larry Page in his company's AR glasses prototype.

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Google Glasses Prototype Images

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Google Glasses Prototype Images

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Google Glasses Prototype Images

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Google Glasses Prototype Images

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Google Glasses Prototype Images

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The Original Google Glasses "Project Glass" Video That Started It All

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Project Glass - A Google "Goggle"

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A photo of a Google Glass prototype seen at Google I/O in June 2012

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Project Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality head-mounted display.

Project Glass products would display information in smartphone-like format hands-free and could interact with the Internet via natural language voice commands.

Project Glass is being developed by Google X Lab, which has worked on other futuristic technologies such as self-driving cars.

In November 2012, Google Project Glass received recognition by Time Magazine as one of the "Best Inventions of the Year 2012", alongside inventions such as the Curiosity Rover.

It’s clear that Google Glass is an innovative and smart technology on paper, but in real life in could put us in terribly awkward situations. Explore the

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