
15 Struggles You Face When Your Laptop Decides To Have A Mind Of Its Own

Machine 1, Man 0.

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1. When the pinwheel of death spins at you just when you were hitting "Save"

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You're like: Noooooooooooo!

2. Followed by this devastating message

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3. You open your browser and it takes 5 minutes to open, making you stare at the screen blankly like:

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Time to play Taylor Swift's 'Blank Space' on Spotify. But wait, you can't because you're still waiting for it to load! Okay, toilet break...

4. You encounter a "bug". You restart your laptop to 'solve' it but nothing improves...

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5. When your keyboard decides to pop

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Ctrl + Alt + Where did my "Delete" button go?

6. You try to upload an album onto Flickr but your photos turn one-month-old by the time you successfully upload everything...

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No Java update can save you from this agony.

7. When your laptop can't handle the simple task of loading Facebook

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8. When your battery status bar cheats on your feelings...

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9. When your machine BURNS LIKE THE SUN it could literally fry an egg

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10. You've tried cooling it with a fan but you can't bring the fan everywhere...

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11. When you're attacked by hyperactive popups and you don't even know what they mean

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12. You want to livestream the most important event of the year! Internet: Check! Website: Check! And then... wait, what?

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13. Even "Task Manager" has given up on you

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14. You learn that you need to sayang your laptop to make it cooperate. There are good days, and then there are days like...

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15. When your laptop refuses to cooperate and you just want to punch it so bad

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If you know what it's like to go through 70% of the scenarios above, you shouldn't sacrifice your sanity any longer. Learn more here.

The hunt for a new machine can be overwhelming. If you're a multi-tasker or a gamer, MSI's GS series is just for you. MSI also collaborated with 2 other personalities, Goldfries and Natz Production to test their laptop. Read the review by Malaysian tech blog Goldfries here.