"This Is Abuse" —21YO Claims Her Mother Keeps Her Locked Up At Home In Shocking Confession
"I'm not even allowed to open the house's gate," she confessed.
Malaysians Upset As Teacher Marks Standard One Student's 'Correct' Answer Wrong
In which universe does 80 sen + 60 sen + 60 sen not equal to RM2?
SPM Candidates Take It Out On Musician Kyle Green After Difficult English Listening Exam
"This morning I woke up to my Instagram inbox full of messages, phone calls on WhatsApp, emails, and all sorts of things from kids in Malaysia," said Green.
M'sian Student Sues School After Getting Rejected By 15 US Unis Including Harvard & Yale
He claimed that improperly made recommendation letters caused top universities like Harvard, Stanford, and Yale to reject his applications.
[VIDEO] Duduk Rumah Sewa Bujang, Tapi Masak Macam Mak-Mak. Student UiTM Memang Rare!
Difahamkan, dia dan rakan serumahnya membahagikan kos bahan masakan tersebut kepada setiap isi rumah.
18-Year-Old China Student Seeks Revenge By Biting A Mouse That Bit Her First In Uni Dorm
A nibble for a nibble!
PU Riz Ingatkan Orang Ramai Segera Bayar Hutang Bagi Jalani Hidup Yang Lebih Berkat
Membayar semula hutang merupakan tanggungjawab wajib setiap orang Muslim.
[VIDEO] Lecturer Tengah Berleter Dekat Pelajar, Sekali Ada 'Background Music' Suspen
Terus senyum lecturer tu.
Students Frustrated After UiTM's Email System Was Used To Spread Inappropriate Messages
A male student sent an email containing a disturbing threat of sexual assault against other students.
[VIDEO] Pelajar Tak Tahan Roommate Bagi Alasan ‘Depression’ Biarkan Katil Bersepah & Kotor
Dah orang lain pun terkesan.
Police Probes Rape Threat After Father Alleges 14-Year-Old Threatened His Daughter
Teachers said the alleged perpetrator, the victim's classmate, has been accused many times before for inappropriate behaviour.
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