What Would Make These Google Employees Offer Someone 'A Giant F*** You'
Members of Google's security team blast the NSA in personal blog posts, saying "F*** these guys".
Justin Bieber Invests In New Teen-Focused Social Network. Time To Move Over Facebook?
Justin Bieber is trying to get his 'Timberlake' on by investing in a new teen-focused social network called 'Shots Of Me', which will launch on the Apple store later this week.
The First Instagram Ad Is Here And Users Don't Like It One Bit
With the first official brand-sponsored update being delivered to users, the time has come to say goodbye to an ad-free Instagram feed.
Your Friends Posting Giraffe Pics Are Not So Smart After All...
Pictures of giraffes are mysteriously appearing on Facebook in place of profile pictures, as users struggle to solve a rather lame riddle. (PS: Answer is at the end of the story).
[PHOTOS] If Harry Potter Had Instagram, This Is The Kind Of Posts He Would Make
Courtesy of the talented team over at Buzzfeed, we bring to you the faux Instagram posts that Harry Potter would take if he had the popular photo app.
17-Year-Old Girl Hangs Herself Because Her Parents Banned Her From Facebook
A teenager who killed herself after her parents banned her from Facebook left a note for a devastated family saying she couldn't live without the site.
This Is A Tweeting Bra. It Actually Does What The Name Suggests.
A bra that tweets every time it is unclasped. Yes, you read that right. Forget Google Glass and the Samsung Galaxy Gear, as far as wearable tech goes the Tweeting Bra is totally some next level sorcery.
Never Too Sure About Its Own Decisions, Facebook Now Re-Bans Beheading Videos
After flipping to ban brutal, gruesome decapitation videos six months ago and then flopping to allow such videos to appear in the 'book yesterday, Facebook has flipped again (or is it re-flopped?) in less than 24 hours and will reinstate its previous ban on such decapitation videos.
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