A Headless Child Was Discovered After Israel Bombed Rafah. Here's What You Need To Know
At the time of writing, #IsraelLancau is trending on X, utilising a Hokkien profanity to circumvent social media platform algorithms.
Israeli Attack On Rafah Tent Camp Draws Global Condemnation
The attack took place in the Tel Al-Sultan neighbourhood, where thousands were sheltering after Israeli forces began a ground offensive in the east of Rafah over two weeks ago.
ZUS Coffee Nyatakan Pendirian & Sokong Perjuangan Kebebasan Untuk Palestin
"Kami berdiri teguh menentang tindakan genosid di Palestin" - ZUS Coffee.
Meta Removes & Then Restores 3 News Posts Of Anwar Meeting Hamas Leaders
Malaysiakini, Malaysia Gazette, and Sinar Harian recently had their posts removed by the US-based tech giant.
Ini Sebab Kenapa 'Hari Nakbah Palestin' Diingati Sebagai Malapetaka Besar Buat Umat Islam
Detik hitam buat penduduk asal bumi Palestin, orang-orang Arab dan dunia Islam secara keseluruhannya.
#Blockout2024: Ini Yang Anda Perlu Tahu Kenapa Gerakan 'Boikot' Artis & Influencer Terjadi
Difahamkan, #Blockout2024 dilancarkan selepas berakhirnya acara pertunjukan fesyen tahunan, Met Gala pada 6 Mei lalu.
12 Askar Israel Dimasukkan Ke Hospital Selepas Disengat Tebuan Di Selatan Gaza
Sebelum lebah, tentera Israel terlebih dahulu pernah diserang oleh anjing liar.
Isu Boikot Kembali Hangat, Naim Daniel Pula Bersuara - “Bocor Ke Tak Bocor Islam Kau?”
Rakyat sedang giat memboikot artis yang tidak menunjukkan solidariti kepada Palestin.
Lebanon's Hezbollah Launches Missiles And Drones At Israel In Retaliation For 3 Deaths
On Tuesday, 17 April, Israeli strikes in southern Lebanon killed three people, including a Hezbollah field commander, Lebanese security sources said.
Ternyata PMX Adalah 'Watak Utama' Dalam Misi Gila Bawa Keluarga Nadir Masuk Ke Malaysia
"Risau juga macam dalam movie" - Nadir Al-Nuri.
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