How This Man Went From Getting Fired To Setting Up His Own Photography Academy In Malaysia
"It was a good company, but I wasn't cut out to be a chemist."
What I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self, As Told By 9 Malaysian Directors And Managers
It's about how you persevere when facing challenges.
Bank Manager Rewrites An Employee's Resignation Letter So He Could Praise Himself
The employee and his boss are believed to be working in a local bank in Singapore.
Why I Sold My 20-Year-Old Proton And Bought A Cheap Second-Hand Car Instead
One of the reason is that my ego can handle it.
Civil Servants Might Only Have To Work Six Hours A Day In The Future
In fact, a ministry has already implemented flexible work hours for its staff.
10 Tahun Memusuhi Lin Dan, Ini Dia Kisah Inspirasi Dan Jatuh Bangun Perjalanan Karier DLCW
Lin Dan ternyata menjadi batu penghalang kepada kejayaan yang lebih masyhur buat Chong Wei.
13 Things You'll Definitely Relate To If You Work In A Freezing Cold Office
Most Malaysians are not made to endure extreme cold, y'know. :(
Wah, You Can Earn More Than RM87,000 Washing Dishes For The Queen Of England!
Wait 'til you see the awesome job perks. :D
If You Are Skilled In These Occupations, Australia Wants You
Take note if you're planning to migrate to Australia!
11 Things Every 20-Something Should Do To Fully Prep Themselves For The Next 5 Years
Start early so that you don't have to look back in regret.
How I Lost Money In My First Year Of Blogging, But Gained The World Instead
"To find your passion, you have to try and fail."
Shirley Seng, 26, Has Become A Millionaire Overnight. Here's How She Did It
Despite her sudden wealth, the young property agent still remains down-to-earth and is motivated to carry on as before.
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