MyTeksi Wants Uber To Compete Fairly
Uber gets in trouble with the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD).
Updated from: Was Uber Really Declared Illegal In Malaysia?
What Is Uber? Why Is It Banned In Some Countries?
With news of ride-sharing service Uber raising the ire of taxi drivers in the Klang Valley, we take a look at what Uber is and why so many cities around the world are banning it.
Unlicensed And Dangerous Among Reasons Why Taxi Drivers Want Action Taken Against Uber
Uber has greatly affected the income of taxi drivers who now wants the government to take immediate action against the transportation network company.
Uber Makes It Possible For Customers To Be Picked Up By Optimus Prime
When he's not charging up an Energon sword and handing out beatings to every passing Decepticon, Optimus Prime moonlights as glorified car service.
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