
Local YouTuber Jared Lee Opens Up About Being Diagnosed With Cancer In Eye-Opening Video

“Cancer is something that won’t hurt you when it’s growing.”

Cover image via TheGRIMFILM/YouTube

Local YouTuber Jared Lee from TheGRIMFILM was recently diagnosed with testicular cancer. In a video posted on their channel yesterday, Jared and his wife Marianne Tan opened up about how they discovered and dealt with the disheartening news.

Image via TheGRIMFILM

It all started when Jared discovered something 'off' about his body.

“There was something odd about the size difference of my testicles, he says in the video.

“It was hard to tell because it didn't hurt... but on one night, there was just a tugging feeling in my heart that I should get a doctor's opinion.”

He decided to consult a friend who happens to be a doctor. After a brief check-up, his friend told him that he needed to see a doctor right away.

Jared’s suspicions were confirmed when scan results showed that his left testicle was definitely larger than normal. According to the doctor, 99% of it was a cancerous tumour.

He was scheduled for an operation the following day and needless to say, Jared and his wife Marianne had very little sleep that night.

Fortunately, the operation went smoothly in spite of him having to deal with the tremendous pain after.

“The doctor said that we were really lucky that when he was operating Jared, he saw that it had not spread elsewhere… we really caught it in the nick of time,” Marianne says.

Jared wrapped up the video by saying that they are not sharing this to gain sympathy or for viewers to empathise with him. Instead, he hopes that his story will encourage people to examine their own bodies for possible signs of cancer.

Jared with his wife, Marianne Tan actress in the movie 'Ola Bola'

Image via Marianne Tan/Facebook

“Google how to check for testicular cancer, how to check for breast cancer. You can examine yourself. If you feel like something is wrong, you can go to a doctor to get a second opinion,” he says adding that these cases can happen at random to men between the ages of 20 to 45. 

“Cancer is something that won’t hurt you when it’s growing. You won’t feel pain, you won’t feel abnormality, if it’s internal. You just feel it’s normal..."

If you're unsure of where to start, here is a step-by-step method for you to examine yourself for cancer.

Jared assures his viewers that he is okay and that they are currently waiting for the biopsy results to indicate if the tumour is an aggressive one. If it is, he will need to undergo chemotherapy.

In response to the video, fans and viewers have expressed their support and thanked the couple for sharing their story

You can watch the full video here:

On a related note, you can also check out Cancer Research Malaysia, a non-profit institute focusing on reversing cancer

They will be holding educational workshops and screenings for the public.

Details below:

Venue: APW, Bangsar

Dates: 24th - 25th March & 31st March - 1st April

Image via

Check out this app that detects pancreatic cancer:

These young Malaysians have also beat the odds and survived this unpredictable disease:

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