
[VIDEO] 3 Women Fought Each Other At A Grocery Store In Sydney Over A Pack Of Toilet Paper

The toilet paper has become a highly sought-after commodity among panic-buyers as the coronavirus outbreak — and the fear of it — continues to spread worldwide.

Cover image via Daily Mail

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak continues to spread worldwide. And with it, is spreading panic buying among people.

In fact, the panic buying situation reached its peak in the aisle of a grocery store in Sydney, Australia at about 7am on Saturday, 7 March, when three women — aged between 23 to 60 — were caught on video yelling, pushing, and fighting each other over a trolley full of toilet paper.

Yep, you read that right. They fought over a pack of toilet paper.

Also known as loo roll, it has reportedly become a highly sought-after commodity among panic-buyers as the coronavirus outbreak — and the fear of it — continues to spread worldwide.

Everyone seems to be going after the toilet paper.

Image via BBC

The brawl over the roll began when one woman tried to pick up a pack of toilet paper from a trolley that was stacked high with rolls and was being carried by a 60-year-old mother and her 23-year-old daughter

"I just want one packet," she could be heard yelling in the video.

One of the women, who were in possession of the trolley, replies "No, not one packet".

"Are you f#cking joking?", the woman asked at the sight of the trolley filled to the brim with toilet paper.

Two staff members then intervened to break up the fight and police were called to the store.

Image via Daily Mail
Image via Daily Mail

Remarking on the incident, the New South Wales police said, "It's not the Thunderdome, it's not Mad Max. We don't need to do that."

While speaking to reporters, Acting Inspector Andrew New advised people to not panic like this.

"Violence of this nature will not be tolerated and anyone involved in this behaviour may be committing an offence and find themselves before the court," he was quoted as saying by The Guardian.

"There is no need for people to go out and panic buy at supermarkets, paracetamol, and canned food or toilet paper," he said, adding that the mother-daughter duo have been charged.

Watch the video here:

Fight breaks out over toilet paper

Posted by on Friday, 6 March 2020

Meanwhile, in China, two people have died after about 70 were trapped under the rubble of a hotel that collapsed yesterday:

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