
Woman Gets Slapped Back With RM130 Fine After Slapping An Airport Security Guard

The female officer was praised for remaining patient throughout the incident.

Cover image via The Nation/Facebook

On Saturday, 26 January, a South Korean tourist slapped a female airport security officer for carrying out an extra body scan on her in an airport in Bangkok

Image via Facebook

According to The Nation, the incident took place at the departure area of the Suvarnabhumi Airport at 11pm.

Upon setting off the alarm on a metal door detector, the female tourist repeatedly refused to be scanned with a handheld metal detector

In a video, a security officer was seen trying to hold the woman's wrist to stop her but the Korean woman raised her arms to make an 'X' signal above her head.

A Korean man, who accompanied the tourist, also tried to hold her arms for the officer to scan her.

Image via The Nation

For a split moment, the woman gave in and seemingly cooperated

However, when the officer tried to hold the woman's right arm again, the tourist put up an 'X' signal before handing her a tight slap.

Image via Facebook

Stunned for a moment, the officer took a step back as another security staff immediately rushed to the scene.

The Korean man reportedly gave the officer a 'wai' to apologise after the incident.

Police fined the woman 1,000 baht (RM130) for the assault before allowing her to leave the country

Suvarnabhumi Airport executive vice president and deputy general manager Kittipong Kittikachorn praised the security officer for remaining calm throughout the situation and protecting the airport's image.

"I admire her for being patient," he said, adding that she chose to not press any charges against the tourist, The Nation reported.

You can watch a video of the incident below:

Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport: Korean tourist refused being scanned. Slap female security. Kenna fined 1000 baht. Dated : 26 Jan 2019

Posted by Fabrications About The PAP on Monday, January 28, 2019

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