
Woman Discovers During A Live Radio Segment That Her Husband Is In Fact Her Brother

They have known each other for 10 years and have a six-year-old daughter together.

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A Brazilian husband and wife have discovered - live on the radio - that they are in fact half-brother and sister

A Brazilian husband and wife have discovered - live on the radio - that they were brother and sister. Both had searched for their mothers, who abandoned them as children, but it turned out they were looking for the same woman.

The pair, who have a 6-year-old daughter together, knew they had mothers with the same name but put it down to coincidence

Adriana, 39, and her husband Leandro, 37, who did not want to share their surnames, have known each other for 10 years and now have a six year old daughter together.

Both Adriana and Leandro, who live in Sao Paulo, had been searching for their mother for a number of years. Leandro knew his mother was called Maria, and that she had abandoned him at the age of eight. He was brought up by his step-mother.

Adriana knew her mother was also called Maria, and that she had been abandoned at the age of one. She was brought up by her father. The couple thought that their mothers, who they believed to be two different women, should the same name was a “coincidence,” as Maria is a common name in Brazil.

After an extensive search, Adriana was finally able to speak to her mother on Brazilian Radio Globo's The Time Is Now programme, a show that specialises in reuniting lost relatives

In its report, the radio station changed the names, dates, and locations of those involved to protect the couple’s identity. At the end of the segment, the mother, Maria, revealed to her daughter, Adriana, that she also had a son called Leandro with a different man than her father.

Adriana, shocked at the realisation that her husband was also her brother, said: "I don't believe that you're telling me this. Leandro is my husband."

“Now I’m scared to go home and find out Leandro doesn’t want me anymore. I love him so much,” Adriana told her mother on the radio.

However, regardless of the revelation, the pair, who were never legally married, have reportedly said they are going to stay together. Adriana was quoted as saying:

"Only death is going to separate us. All this happened because God wanted it to happen."
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"At first we were really knocked by it all, but we had a family meeting and told everyone that we are going to stay husband and wife, whatever anyone might think."

"We have so many plans together. Nothing is going to break us up. Nothing."

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