
[VIDEO] Where Were The Cops When Chaos Broke Loose At Penang's Anti-Sedition Gathering?

Members of a right-wing Malay NGO caused quite a ruckus during an Anti-Sedition talk in Penang, causing the gathering to be called off, so why didn't the police intervene sooner?

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A Peaceful Anti-Sedition Gathering In Penang On 12 October, Organised By Gerakan Hapus Akta Hasutan (GHAH), Was Brought To An Abrupt Halt After They Were Rudely Disrupted By Members Of The Persatuan Gabungan Melayu Islam Pulau Pinang

The newly-formed right-wing Malay group claimed to belonged to a coalition of NGOs, which includes Perkasa.

Speaking At The Gathering In Esplanade's Speaker's Corner, GHAH Coordinator Ong Jin Cheng Had Only Started His Speech When The Group, Numbering About 30 People, Began To Shout Obscenities And Heckle Ong With A Megaphone

Ong speaking at the Speaker's Corner.

Image via Malaysiakini by Low Chia Ming

Gerakan Hapus Akta Hasutan (GHAH) coordinator Ong Jin Cheng's speech was cut short after the Persatuan Gabungan Melayu Islam Pulau Pinang heckled him as Ong took the stage at about 6pm.

Armed with a hailer, they drowned out Ong's voice as he was delivering his speech at the Speaker's Square today.

They Then Began To Surround The Crowd And Pushed Their Way Towards Ong, Resulting In A Scuffle Between GHAH Supporters And The Mob Of Hecklers

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Some of the group were also spotted wearing white T-shirts with the words "Defend the Sedition Act".

The Situation Escalated As The Group Yelled At Ong and GHAH Supporters To "Balik!", At Which Point The Police Tried To Defuse The Commotion

Ong (in yellow t-shirt) being escorted out with the help of GHAH supporters after the mob seen in the background started getting more aggresive as the police only looked on.

Image via The Malaysian Insider by Hasnoor Hussain

In The Midst Of The Chaos, Some Members Of The Group Also Attacked And Hurled Obscenities At A British Couple Who Were At The Scene

The men from the right-wing Malay group are seen chasing the British couple who happen to be near the Speakers' Square, as the police look on (far left).

Image via The Malaysian Insider by Hasnoor Hussain

They chased the pair all the way to the other end of the Padang Kota Lama field while hurling obscenities and calling them "Jews".

Watch The Violent Episode Unfold HERE:

Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng Voiced His Disapproval Over The Group's Aggresive Behaviour And Abusive Language, Calling Them "Gangsters"

Image via The Star Online

"The speakers were merely there to express their views on the need to repeal the Sedition Act, but were confronted by these 'gangsters'. I condemn such acts and hope police will take the necessary action against these people," he said during a press conference at his office Monday.

Aliran Has Also Condemned The Group's Actions, Calling It "A Shocking Demonstration Of A Trend Of Growing Intolerance And Fascist Behaviour" And Noted That This Is Not The First Time "Thugs" Have Disrupted Peaceful Gatherings

"In a democracy, it is imperative that the police are trained to manage groups with opposing views to ensure that the right to freedom of expression and speech in public spaces is upheld," said Aliran committee member Dr Prema Devaraj, who was also at the gathering.

This was not the first time that thugs have disrupted a peaceful function at the Speakers Corner. They had been a public nuisance previously and got off scot-free. On one occasion, one of the rowdies even threw a shoe at the Chief Minister’s car.

GHAH and Aliran Have Both Criticised The Police For Not Intervening Earlier, Resulting In The Altercation And Endangering Those Present At The Scene

Policemen and bystanders trying to prevent the mob from attacking the British couple.

Image via Malaysiakini by Low Chia Ming

GHAH claimed the police did not stop the violent disruption and only intervened when the situation went out of control and the mob started pushing, chasing and cornering GHAH supporters and bystanders.

The police, some of whom were in plainclothes, were present at this incident and were meant to ensure public order. But by not intervening early to separate the groups and allocating time for each group to speak, they allowed an escalation of violent behaviour by the pro-Sedition Act group resulting in the anti-Sedition Act activists being severely threatened and denied the space to speak – all because they held a different view. Both groups may have had opposing views but they each have a right to their views and the right to express those views.

Regardless Of What Had Happened, GHAH Maintained That They Are Now More Determined Than Ever To See Through Its Campaign To Have The Sedition Act Repealed

Representatives from various NGOs and Pakatan Rakyat attend the Penang chapter of Gerakan Hapus Akta Hasutan (GHAH), a movement pushing for the repeal of the Sedition Act 1948.

Image via The Malaysian Insider by Hasnoor Hussain

The group's Penang coordinator Ong Jing Cheng said the members were deliberating and would meet to decide on the course of action to take following the incident at the Speakers Square in George Town yesterday.

It is also preparing a coach to transport Penangites who are interested in lending support to the Bar Council's march to oppose the Sedition Act in Kuala Lumpur on October 16, he said.

More On The Sedition Act And Other Related News On SAYS:

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