
Video Resurfaces Of Rising Abu Sayyaf Leader Beheading Hostages

More has been revealed about the people behind the recent kidnapping in Sabah.

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On 12 July 2014, A Malaysian Constable Was Kidnapped When A Surprise Attack Was Launched On A Resort In Mabul Island, Sabah

More Details Are Surfacing Regarding The Abductors Through A Video That Has Surfaced Online

The abductors were filmed in a video filmed by Alhabsi himself.

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More details are beginning to emerge of Alhabsi Misaya, the notorious Abu Sayyaf leader, who is said to be holding marine policeman Kons Zakiah Aleip hostage in southern Philippines.

A rising leader in the Abu Sayyaf terrorist organisation is suspected to be holding marine policeman Zakiah Aleip in a mountainous jungle hideout on the island of Jolo in southern Philippines.

The Leader In The Video Is Identified As Alhabsi Misaya, The One Behind The Beheading Of Jolo Workers In 2007

Alhabsi Misaya, the one behind the beheading of seven workers in 2007.

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He is one of the gunmen responsible for the beheading of seven factory workers in Jolo, Southern Philippines in 2007, as discovered in an online video.

The 14-Minute Video Recorded By Him And Uploaded In July 2013, Showed Gunmen Doing Despicable And Brutal Acts To Workers

The gunmen leading workers before doing brutal acts on them.

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The 14-minute video clip, recorded by Alhabsi himself, sees a group of gunmen leading the hostages to different spots in the jungle where the brutal act is carried out. Alhabsi can be heard reciting Quranic verses as the first hostage is made to lie face down before his head is pulled back by one of the gunmen and severed with what appears to be an army knife.

Alhabsi Has Been Rising Through The Ranks And Is Said To Be Cash Rich From All The Ransoms Paid From The Kidnappings

Ransom money is said to have made the group and Alhabsi rich.

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Alhabsi, then only a junior member of the terror group, has since risen in the ranks after making millions of pesos in ransom money from the spate of kidnappings in the east coast of Sabah.

The sources claim that Alhabsi, a drug-user, is "loaded with cash" and heavily armed. “He is rising fast in the ranks of the Abu Sayyaf leadership because he has made millions of pesos in ransom money. He has huge sums," the source told The Star.

More Details About The Recent Sabah Kidnapping HERE:

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