
Turkish Couple Spends Wedding Day Giving Out Food To 4,000 Syrian Refugees

Definitely an occasion to remember.

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A wedding is a joyous occasion that's full of happiness. People wait all their lives for that glorious day of feasting, partying and epic celebration.

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However, a Turkish couple decided to opt out of the conventional wedding celebration for something a little bit different - feeding 4,000 refugees along the Syrian border!

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Newlyweds Fethullah Uzumcuoglu and Esra Polat from the southern Turkish city of Kilis invited 4,000 Syrian refugees to join them in celebration, as they gave out food alongside a charity organisation

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The Turkish charity organisation called Kimse Yok Mu have been feeding refugees in the province for the past few years

Image via KimseYokMu

"Kimse Yok Mu" is translated to "Is Anyone There?"

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Kimse Yok Mu is an international non profit humanitarian aid and development organization based in Turkey with 31 branches throughout the country which also provides humanitarian relief in over 113 countries, as well as having 220,000+ volunteers assisting its operations around the globe. Our organization focuses upon providing aid to those who are most in need at their most dire moments and we maintain a commitment to leaving a lasting impact upon those we assist.

The Syrian civil war has been going on since 2011, forcing millions to leave their homes

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According to the United Nations, close to four million Syrians have fled to neighbouring countries, including Turkey

Syrians waiting to cross the border to Akcakale

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More than 4 million Syrians have fled the violence in their homeland to seek refuge in neighboring countries, the United Nations said.

At least 7.6 million other people have displaced inside Syria, the U.N. refugee agency said. That means more than half of all Syrians have been driven from their homes by the war, which has killed well over 200,000 people.

The couple reached out to Kimse Yok Mu, to cover a portion of the food on their wedding day. That's not all, they also offered to help distribute the food while still dressed in wedding attire!

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The bride wore an elaborate white dress, with a tiara perched on her headdress, and the groom sported a white tuxedo with black trim. They stood behind large food trucks distributing meals to hungry Syrians.

Photos of the newlyweds tweeted by Kimse Yok Mu have gone viral, propelling the couple into international spotlight

The tweet reads "We hope that our wedding dinner in Kilis, happily shared with young Syrians will bring much joy to them."

The idea came from the groom's father, Ali Uzumcuoglu who volunteers for Kimse Yok Mu

"I thought that sharing a big delicious dinner with our family and friends was unnecessary, knowing that there are so many people in need living next door. So I came up with this idea and shared it with my son. I’m very happy that he accepted it and they started their new happy journey with such a selfless action," Uzumcuoglu said.

Both the bride and groom have not taken part in any sort of charity work before, so it was an enriching exposure for both of them

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"Seeing the happiness in the eyes of the Syrian refugee children is just priceless. We started our journey to happiness with making others happy and that’s a great feeling," said the groom.

Inspired by the couple, some of their friends are planning on similar events for their wedding. Here's to more unconventional wedding celebrations!

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Also in the topic of cool wedding ideas, you would need very sporting parents to pull these off...

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