
This Job In NZ Pays More Than RM1.6 Million With 3 Months' Holiday, But No One Wants It

It's in a place that has been described as ‘the city that almost was’.

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You would think an RM1,688,720 salary with three months of holiday and no night or weekend work for a job in an idyllic part of New Zealand's North Island might have people fighting over it, right?

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Because, apparently, no one wants the job as it's in the modest Waikato town of Tokoroa in the North Island – population 13,600.

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The vacancy, for a junior doctor, has had no applicants in two years

Dr Alan Kenny, 61, who co-owns the practice in Tokoroa, a town on the North Island with a population of 13,600, has tried using four medical recruitment firms but failed to find a candidate.

Dr Alan Kenny is finding it difficult to find a replacement for his position.

Image via Mike Scott

The GP – originally recruited from the UK – told the New Zealand Herald his practice has “exploded”, but he is overworked and has repeatedly had to cancel holidays because of the difficulty of finding a replacement or locum doctor.

“I can offer them a really, really amazing income; it’s incredible. My practice has exploded in the last year and the more patients you list, the more money you get. But it just gets too much at the end of the day.”

Two years ago Kenny’s daughter Sarah came to work as a GP at the practice, to learn from her father and help relieve the pressure. She is the only New Zealand doctor working at the practice.

A map of New Zealand's North Island, showing the distance between Auckland and the town of Tokoroa.

Image via Daily Mail

What's more is that the income - RM1,688,720 - for the current position is double that of the average salary for GPs in New Zealand

The problem: No one wants to ply their craft in the middle of nowhere, where social life is limited, the WiFi stinks, and, as he says to the New Zealand Herald, people perceive jobs to be “dead-end” ventures.

The Telegraph describes Tokoroa as “the city that almost was,” with an unemployment rate of 22% and where going to the market in your PJs is “secretly accepted.” Kenny’s typical day does sound like a grind.

He tells the Herald that on a recent workday he punched in from 8:30am until 6pm without lunch, seeing 43 patients (recommended amount: no more than 25 daily).

Tokoroa has been described as ‘the city that almost was’.

Image via Alamy

On the other hand, there's this woman who lifts all sorts of stuff using her vagina and travels around the world promoting its benefits

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