
UUM Lecturer Says It's Very Wrong To Describe Him As Stupid Or Narrow-Minded

He has accused YB Hannah Yeoh of proselytising the Muslims through her book.

Cover image via Malaysiakini

Kamarul Zaman Yusoff, the Universiti Utara Malaysia lecturer who has accused Hannah Yeoh of proselytising the Muslims, is blowing his own trumpet after being called "a disgrace to the academia"

Image via Malaysiakini

Malaysiakini reported the UMM lecturer touting his academic credentials, who added that his opinion and police report against Hannah had nothing to do with Universiti Utara Malaysia

"The Bachelor of Arts with double major that I obtained from Indiana University at Bloomington (IUB) was with the highest distinction, which is reserved only for graduates with a cumulative grade point average of between 3.90 to 4.00.

"Apart from that, I was also a recipient of the Senior Achievement Award, an award reserved for students who have outstanding academic records and who are designated by their departments or schools as having unusual potential in their field," Kamarul Zaman Yusoff was quoted as saying by Malaysiakini.

Kamarul has been met with derision in the academic circle for accusing Hannah of proselytising the Muslims and lodging a police report against her. In a piece published on Malaysiakini, he was called a "clown" and a "narrow-minded political scientist".

However, according to Kamarul, his academic record proved that the unflattering comments used against him in the Malaysiakini piece were wrong.

"Therefore, it is very wrong to describe me as stupid, without quality and credibility, unqualified, without calibre, half-baked, narrow-minded or extremist."

The local uni lecturer — who wants Hannah to retract her police report and apologise to him — added that he had "no problems mixing with non-Muslims while he was studying in the US"

Stressing that his views about Hannah Yeoh and her autobiography are "based on facts and law and are not stupid nor extreme", Kamarul said:

"I also do not have any problems working and mixing with non-Muslims in Malaysia. I am very comfortable and well-received by my colleagues and students at UUM."

Image via Malaysiakini

According to the lecturer, who claims to be a "political analyst" and writes for Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia, those who do not argue based on facts and law are the ones who are stupid

Read about the accusation the lecturer has made against Hannah:

Amidst the controversy, Hannah Yeoh has found support:

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