
Japanese Sex Dolls, Obscene T-Shirts And Weed-Themed Items Seized From Mall In PJ

So, that "FedSex Express" shirt you bought from the mall? Definitely not legal.

Cover image via The Star Online / Malaysian Digest

The Home Ministry has seized over RM14,000 worth of obscene materials during a raid in a shopping mall in Petaling Jaya on Tuesday, including a variety of sex dolls, T-shirts with suggestive logos and marijuana-themed merchandise

“We have seized 150 units of published materials such as shirts, dolls, books and posters featuring pornographic elements during the raid, while the other 80 units consist of products such as bags, shirts, hats and pants which contain the marijuana leave logo," said enforcement unit chief Mohamad Hashim Kamaruddin of the Home Ministry's Al-Quran Text and Publishing Control Division.

"The estimated total of products seized amount to RM14,234.20."

The raid was conducted to halt sales of obscene items that are deemed to be of negative influence, as publication and distribution of such materials are forbidden under the Printing Presses Publications Act 1984

Under the Act, anyone convicted of the offence of distributing prohibited items could be fined no more than RM20,000, or jailed three years or less, or both.

Prior to the raid, store owners were already warned about selling the banned items but continued to do so in order to meet demands from customers. Plus, the products are sold at pretty affordable prices.

“The products are quite affordable - RM35 per shirt, a mouse pad for RM34.90. The dolls, however, are more than RM100. Gen Y especially loves these kinds of t-shirts," Mohamad Hashim said, adding that the figurines are from Japan as the country is ‘famous for these kind of things’.

He also added that the Home Ministry suspected the pornographic materials had been printed and imported overseas to countries like Japan and shares that the ministry is now increasing its effort in preventing owners of such premises to sell and distribute prohibited materials.

Mohamad Hashim advised the public to lodge a report with the Home Ministry if they happen to come across banned obscene items being put up for sale in shopping malls or night markets

Residents in other states can contact the Home Ministry offices, while those based in Selangor can contact the division at 03-5519 0349.

But in hindsight, a sex doll fetish and suggestive T-shirts are pretty much vanilla compared to these:

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