
Singaporean Woman Gets 3 Months' Jail For Shoving And Pinning A Cop In Chokehold

The 21-year-old had become violent when officers tried to arrest her.

Cover image via Wong Kawai Chow/Straits Times

On Wednesday, 26 June, a Singaporean woman pleaded guilty to shoving a policeman in the chest and pinning him against a wall in a chokehold at Orchard Towers shopping centre in October last year

21-year-old Resshmi B. Rasmi was sentenced to three months' jail for assaulting 42-year-old Station Inspector Gerald Chan Wee Ming on 27 October 2018 when he had tried to question her and others about a commotion, reported the Straits Times.

During her sentencing, the State Courts also took into consideration one more count of using criminal force to deter a public servant, Yahoo News reported.

She was also violent towards other cops who tried to arrest her

According to the Straits Times, during the day of the incident, she became violent when Inspector Chan's colleagues tried to arrest her. She struggled and swung her arms around, hitting the left hand of another policeman, 21-year-old Sergeant Chng Yong En.

The incident happened when On 27 October 2018, Station inspector Gerald Chan and sergeant Chng Yong were dispatched to Orchard Towers, after police got a call regarding a commotion

The commotion was happening in front of Naughty Girl, a nightclub at Orchard Towers.

When the officers arrived about 10 minutes later, they saw a scuffle between a group of people, including Resshmi. They tried to figure out what was going on.

While they managed to defuse the situation and were trying to assess the situation, Resshmi charged towards Inspector Chan and assaulted him. She pushed him on the chest with so much force that he staggered backwards, Yahoo News reported.

She then charged at Chan again before grabbing him by the neck in a chokehold and pressing him against a wall. The assault left Inspector Chan with a bruise and a scratch mark on his chest and was given two days of medical leave.

While Resshmi could have been jailed for seven years and be fined or caned for assaulting a policeman, the State Courts sentenced her to three months in jail. She cannot be caned as she is a woman.

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