
An Alleged Serial Sex Offender Is Now Harassing Female Staff At A Beauty Salon In Bangsar

The man had been arrested and charged multiple times for sexually harassing women around Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur.

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A man, who has previously been arrested multiple times for sexual harassment, is now targeting the staff of a beauty salon along Jalan Telawi, Bangsar

Image via Facebook

A Facebook user, who shall be named as Kay, wrote a post on Friday, 26 April, to alert other women in Bangsar of the peeping tom.

"Please be aware for this pervert/stalker/psycho. I just found out he has a few cases around [Kuala Lumpur], and he is in our area now!" the post read.

Kay attached links to the harasser's previous convictions, which included peeping on a mother who was breastfeeding her child and taking photos and videos of a woman's leg.

In the post, Kay alleged that the man had visited the salon multiple times, claiming that he wanted a facial

Although Kay and her colleagues rejected him, as they do not do facials for men, the store's CCTV captured him coming back multiple times.

Kay added that in some cases, he would stand in the staircase area for more than 10 minutes, trying to peep inside the store.

In a separate post put up yesterday, 28 April, Kay said that during one of his "visits" in March, the man had taken one of her colleague's shoes and masturbated into it.

Image via Facebook
Image via Facebook

Although the police arrested the man, Kay alleged that he was released an hour later

"This pervert even both knee kneel down to beg me [to] let him go and don't post on FB," Kay wrote.

"In the end the police just took him with them but less than an hour time (sic) our company phone received a message from him saying 'wanna catch me, not so easy'," she added.

The man being taken away by police.

Image via Facebook

Since her post has gone up, other women have stepped forward to share that the man has harassed their workplaces as well

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One netizen shared that the man had visited her nail salon and tried to enter the toilet, but left after the staff shouted at him.

Meanwhile, another netizen said the man had also visited her workplace in Lucky Garden.

Image via Facebook

Speaking to SAYS, Kay confirmed that she has made two police reports against the man

"The police just said [they] cannot do anything, because he didn't harm us," she said. 

Kay also showed SAYS copies of the police reports she made.

"[Or] unless he shows us his any part of his body (sic), if not [the police] cannot do anything," she added. 

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