
Sarawak Will Have Its Own LRT System By 2024, Says Chief Minister

The project will cover three major divisions in the state.

Cover image via The Rakyat Post

A light rail transit (LRT) system in Sarawak is expected to be operational by 2024, Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg said yesterday, 29 March

Sarawak Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

Image via The Malaysian View

Abang Johari said the rail system will cover three major divisions in Sarawak, namely Kuching, Samarahan, and Serian. 

The Borneo Post reported that three of the total six lines have been located for immediate implementation upon the completion of a detailed study. The remaining lines will be implemented at a later stage. 

He revealed that the project is part of a wider public transport plan to solve traffic congestion in the three divisions, as their total population has reached one million

"When it is completed by 2024, the project will benefit four major population centres in the Kuching, Samarahan and Serian Divisions," he said as quoted by the Malay Mail Online.

The three proposed lines are:

Line One will link Muara Tuang in Kota Samarahan and end at Damai via Sungai Batu, covering 48% of travel demands for Kuching city.

Line Two will cover 30% of travel demand for Kuching city with a total of 26 stations along it, starting from Serian and terminating at Senari.

Line Three, with about 10.8km in length with 13 stations, will cover the Kuching Centre.

Abang Johari said the LRT project is forecasted to provide at least 20,000 jobs when it becomes fully operational

The trains will be powered by special hydrogen fuel cells, which is known for being cost-effective and environmentally-friendly.

The decision to use hydrogen fuel cell trains is in line with the state government's commitment to green initiatives, he added.

The construction for the three lines will cost about RM10.8 billion

A state government-linked company, Sarawak Metro, has been tasked to handle the project.

"The estimated duration for the construction of these three lines are approximately five years, dependent on the procurement strategy and also allowing for long lead items such as Rolling Stock (trains) manufacture and delivery," he told The Borneo Post.

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