
Perhilitan Rangers Fatally Shoot A Tiger In Kelantan After It Killed An Orang Asli Man

The three-year-old male tiger weighed about 120kg. Authorities did not say if it was a Malayan tiger.

Cover image via Berita Harian

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A team of 12 rangers from the Wildlife and National Parks Department (Perhilitan) shot and killed a tiger yesterday, 7 January, in Kelantan

The male tiger, weighing about 120kg, was fatally shot at about 12.15pm while the Perhilitan team was searching for it in a jungle near Kampung Sau near Pos Bihai, Gua Musang, reported Berita Harian.

According to Kelantan Perhilitan director Mohamad Hafid Rohani, the ranger team was deployed to look for the tiger after it attacked and killed a 59-year-old Orang Asli man yesterday morning.

He explained that the rangers were forced to shoot the tiger when it tried to attack them.

Prior to mauling the victim, the tiger had reportedly also pounced on several villagers the night before while they were fishing at a nearby river to prepare for the 'Pesta Padi' celebration.

"According to the villagers, the tiger tried to attack them but they managed to run to safety," Hafid said.

The carcass of the male tiger fatally shot by the Perhilitan rangers.

Image via Berita Harian

Authorities did not say if it was a Malayan tiger

Before the rangers killed the tiger, the villagers had stumbled on it as they were searching for the Orang Asli victim, who was missing, and threw spears at the animal when it reportedly tried to attack them.

One of the spears hit the tiger before it fled the area. Later, checks performed by the rangers on the animal's carcass showed that it had sustained minor injuries on its face believed to be from the spear.

Hafid said that it was the same tiger that killed the Orang Asli man known as Anek Along.

Meanwhile, on the decision to fatally shoot the tiger, the Kelantan Perhilitan director said that it was in line with section 52 of the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 as the animal was a danger to human life.

According to him, the department set up three traps in December last year after being made to believe that there were three tigers roaming near the village. But none were caught.

Image via Berita Harian

In March last year, a male Malayan Tiger died from the injuries he sustained after he was shot eight times by poachers in Terengganu:

And later in October, Perhilitan put down a roaming wild boar:

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