
People Thought They Were Gonna See Real Penguins. They Found Inflatable Toys Instead

"Penguins from the South Pole are coming!"

Cover image via Shanghaiist

Adults and children alike got all hyped up when a local park in Nantong city of Jiangsu, China advertised a special exhibit that featured "penguins from the South Pole"

Image via Weibo

To promote a special exhibition over the weekend, the park announced that "Penguins from the South Pole are coming to Nantong!" According to Shanghaiist, news of the exhibit quickly spread on WeChat groups and many thought that the park was actually gonna bring in real penguins.

However, when weekend finally came around, parents brought their excited kids to the park, only to find that the penguins were actually... inflatable toys

Image via Shanghaiist

In case you were wondering, these penguins are from the animated film 'The Penguins of Madagascar' and yes, they do come from Antartica, where the South Pole is located. So, technically, the park is not entirely wrong.

Park visitors even had to pay 20 yuan (RM12.75) for an entry ticket

Image via Weibo

Needless to say, people were NOT amused at all

Image via Sina Weibo

Although some of the kids seemed to have found a way to channel their frustration at not getting to see real penguins

Image via Sina Weibo

RIP penguins.

Image via Shanghaiist

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