
Organisers Remove Artworks From Railings Of KL Mall After They Are Likened To 'Laundry'

However, the co-organiser defended the move as he has always pushed boundaries in his career, revealing that 35% of the artworks hung on the railings were sold within two days.

Cover image via @aimmanhafizal (Twitter)

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The orgainisers of an art exhibition have removed paintings from the railings of Fahrenheit88 Shopping Mall after they were criticised for displaying artists' artworks as if they were 'laundry'

The issue was first highlighted in a tweet by artist Aimman Hafizal, where he uploaded two photos showing paintings being hung on the mall's balcony railings across multiple floors.

"It's time that humans realised we can actually fly," Aimman said sarcastically.

Many netizens and artists claimed that the method of displaying the artworks is sacrilegious to the art community, as viewers could only see the paintings from afar and that the artwork labels — which contain the artist's name, the title of the work, and a short description of the piece, among other things — were not readily available.

"How people can understand and enjoy the exhibition if you hang the art at each level. Do you provide [a] forklift for us to see it?" condemned a netizen on Facebook

"As an artist myself, this is the highest form of insult to all artists in the show," criticised a netizen.

"You show them no respect. As an esteemed mall, you should take this down immediately and redeem yourself by giving the artists and their art a respectable space. The curator is not competent."

One person added, "Please sack the person who made these arrangements and decided to hang those [artworks] around the mall like this. He or she does not appreciate art, and [is] not qualified to represent your establishment (sic) by putting it to shame."

"Absolute nonsense. Clearly organised and approved by people who neither understand nor appreciate art, let alone the effort artists put into their work. You should be ashamed of yourselves," a Facebook user commented.

Image via Facebook

After the photos went viral, a few artists are said to have gone to the mall to remove their paintings from the exhibition

Speaking to SAYS, multidisciplinary artist Nawwar — or better known as Bono Stellar — said she had withdrawn her artwork from the art fair because her piece is fragile and that she learnt that the organisers are not liable in the case of loss and damage.

"So I didn't want to risk it," said Bono Stellar, stressing that her artwork was not hung on the railing in the mall.

Many artists have also taken to their social media accounts to express their disappointment at the organisers.

Several of them have even taken the initiative to meet the organisers to request that the method of displaying artworks be changed.

In response to the flak, co-organiser Datuk Seri Bernard Chandran said his team had removed the paintings from the railings after hearing the artists' concerns

"We (didn't) change anything (else). Everything still goes on," the fashion designer told SAYS when contacted.

"Statements [about] 200 people coming in and taking their arts, it's more like two persons coming in to discuss with us."

Bernard stressed that the art fair, ARTisFAIR, jointly organised by him and BookXcess co-founder Andrew Yap is designed in such a way to ensure art is accessible and affordable whilst still able to present them in a "super high-end way" for Malaysians.

He said he wanted his exhibition to stand out as he did not want to do "something that has been done" by others.

The fashion designer continued to defend the display, saying that he has always pushed boundaries in his career and revealing that 35% of the artworks hung on the railings were sold within two days.

"But when they complained, I took [them] down because we hear you. That's my answer," he related, acknowledging that his method was unconventional.

ARTisFAIR features 2,000 artworks by 500 artists from Malaysia and Indonesia. It will be held at Fahrenheit88 Shopping Mall from 11 November to 28 November.

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