
New 'Dash Cam' Type Of Gadget Enables Cops To Spot 'Saman' Evaders On The Road

There are more than 1 million outstanding summonses in Malaysia, and the police are looking to bring the numbers down using this new strategy.

Cover image via Cyril Dason

Within the next two months, police will be geared up with 20 automated number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras that can be mounted on any police car. These cameras will be able to detect and flag any passing car with outstanding summons.

Image via The Star Online

The ANPR image capturing hardware could be mounted on any police car deemed fit.

“The system has been designed so that the camera will be placed on the dashboard of our vehicle and will be aimed at oncoming vehicles," federal traffic police chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Mohd Fuad Abdul Latiff said.

The first phase of the ANPR would cost RM30 million and the devices would be linked to a centralised server in Bukit Aman.


1. The camera will capture an image of the number plate of an oncoming vehicle

2. Then, the image will be sent to the police databases to analyse and check for traffic offences

Image via Wikiwand

3. The system will then inform the police officer if the number plate has any summonses tagged to it, so that the police officer can take appropriate measures against the offender, which includes the possibility of making an arrest

Image via Jokes Vogue

The police are hoping that this strategy will bring down the number of outstanding summonses in the country

Federal traffic police chief Senior Asst Comm Datuk Mohd Fuad Abdul Latiff

Image via The Star Online

“A total of 1.06 million outstanding summonses have yet to be settled and we are looking at bringing down this number,” he was reported saying.

The cameras will be deployed at strategic areas, including nine entry and exit points into the country, and are also used to flag cars for criminal activities.

“Besides using the ANPR cameras to trace errant motorists, the CID and Narcotics Crime Investigation Department will also benefit from the use of the system,” Mohd Fuad reportedly added.

Back in June, it was reported that the ANPR is expected to be operational by August:

Meanwhile, the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) has announced that it will clamp down Uber's activities with a new tactic:

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