
Mother Shares Scary Experience Of Getting Trapped In Bathroom For 7 Hours With Her Kids

She said she worried the most when her daughters' hands and feet started to turn blue.

Cover image via Safra Hussain (Facebook)

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A mother in Selangor has taken to Facebook to relay her scary experience of getting locked in a bathroom for several hours

In a post published on 17 March, Safra Hussain shared that she had just finished giving her two daughters, six-year-old Mikayla and three-year-old Maleeqa, a bath when they found themselves stuck in the bathroom.

They were trapped because the doorknob broke when they tried to open the door.

The mother and the two girls had no food, drinking water, or a phone to call for help from about 10am to 5pm

"When we found out we were locked in, I tried to calm myself down because I'm the type that gets panicked easily," Safra wrote.

She said she first distracted her children by giving them some soap and bubbles to play with, then she tried to think of a way out.

Trying to break open the door, she even pulled off a towel hanger to hit the doorknob with more force. However, nothing worked.

The situation got worse when her children began to feel hungry

Initially, Safra said they tried to distract themselves by cleaning the bathroom together.

However, with no form of orientation, she did not know how much time had passed when Mikayla said she was hungry.

"I asked her to drink some water from the shower," the mother said, helpless.

Safra wrote she was able to breastfeed her younger daughter but only for awhile because she also soon started to feel "hypo".

"I felt so weak, I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep."

With no clothes on, the mother realised her daughters' hands and feet also started to turn blue

"When Mikayla said 'I'm cold', that's when my heart fell. She's the kind who loves to sleep in air-conditioning with no blanket on," Safra wrote.

"She even asked me why her hands were turning so white and wrinkly."

Safra said she wanted so badly to turn the hot water on in the shower to give them some heat. 

However, she was also afraid that they may suffocate due to the steam, poor ventilation, and their weak state.

Fortunately, Safra's husband had a gut feeling that something was wrong at home when he noticed that his wife did not update her social media as she usually did

Worried, he tried texting and calling her but everything went unanswered.

At 4.30pm, he quickly left work and went to his daughter's school, where he was informed by a teacher that Mikayla was absent for the day.

Receiving the news, he rushed home and to his horror, found his wife and children stuck inside the bathroom for the whole day.

After attempts to the unlock the door proved unsuccessful, Safra wrote that, thankfully, her husband was able to kick it open

The mother said she was so grateful that she and her children were safe after the whole traumatising experience and she hoped by sharing her story, it could be a lesson for all.

She encouraged everyone to carry their phones everywhere they go, as well as be cautious of doors with push-button doorknobs that can easily become faulty.

Her post has since been shared over 2,000 times, with many netizens sharing their own experiences of getting trapped due to faulty doorknobs at home.

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