
Malaysian Doctor Suspended In Australia After Saying Women Deserve To Be Raped

The 31-year-old has been suspended for six weeks.

Cover image via The Guardian/Facebook

A Malaysian doctor who said that some women "deserve to be raped" has been recently suspended from working anywhere in Australia for six weeks

Earlier this month, Christopher Lee Kwan Chen had admitted to posting sexist and racist remarks on Singapore chat rooms while he was working in the city of Hobart in 2016.

The Guardian Australia discovered these offensive posts in addition to those investigated by the medical tribunal.

It was also revealed that the doctor had accessed a patient's medical records on 21 occasions "without consent or clinical need".

Tasmanian health directors recently suspended the 31-year-old Australian medical practitioner, who later worked in Melbourne's Box Hill hospital.

"Some women deserve to be raped, and that supercilious little bitch fits the bill in every way," the doctor had written in one of his comments online.

"She needs to be abandoned in India and repeatedly raped in order for her to wake up her idea," he wrote about another woman, as reported by ABC.

Lee also posted photos of his wife online and talked about their sex life, including making disturbing comments like, "If my marriage fell apart, it would not end in divorce. It would end in murder."

In addition, he claimed that he would force an abortion on his wife by kicking "her down the stairs" if she were to get pregnant, The Guardian reported.

In a comment about one woman, he wrote: "I can just as easily condemn your mother for a whore as I can save your life or even hers."

Image via Facebook

Lee also reportedly posted nude photos of a woman online who had criticised him for his offensive remarks.

When she was later forced to delete all of her social media accounts, the doctor boasted that a "new legion of perverts" would now be able to view her images.

"I won," he added.

Aside from making derogatory comments on women, Lee made racist remarks justifying that he is a "foul-mouthed" doctor who calls a spade a spade

He wrote that he did not care to help the Indonesian victims when a tsunami hit the country: "Don't bother helping that nation of ingrates."

The 31-year-old also called Singaporean women "some of the most materialistic, pampered, and self-entitled women you are likely to meet anywhere", while Chinese women are "calculating, ruthless animals" he added.

Image via Mothership

Meanwhile, an online petition calling for the doctor's medical license to be revoked has since garnered 2,265 signatures

The petition is organised by the chief executive officer of a sexual assault support service, Justine Brooks.

"I find these comments from a registered Doctor to be outrageous and unacceptable, and I feel compelled to challenge Dr Lee's right to practice medicine in Australia," Brooks wrote in the petition.

Lee who goes by the name Nachtsider along with this image of him on the forum.

Image via HardwareZone

"Australian Doctors are bound by the AMA Principles of Medical Ethics which can be summarised simply as 'do no harm' (Nonmaleficence).

"The harm Dr Lee is suggesting in the above messages gives us some clear insight into the way he feels about and treats women. Make no mistake, domestic and sexual violence is now a national crisis," she added.

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