
Local Telegram Group With Over 35,000 Members Is Spreading Women's Photos & Child Porn

SAYS was able to access the group and here's what we found out.

Cover image via SAYS

Editor's Note: A photo from this story has been removed upon request from the owner.

A few netizens have recently brought attention to a Telegram group that is spreading women's photos without their consent

Considering the sensitivity of the situation, SAYS has decided to not reveal any of the victims' names and information in order to protect their identities.

Several victims have reached out to SAYS and we have been able to access the Telegram group. The following screenshots and details are material SAYS directly obtained from the group. 

Dubbed 'V2K', the group is mainly used to share pornographic videos and photos from different sources.

Image via SAYS

This issue first came to light when one woman realised that her photos were being sent to the group, garnering unsolicited sexual remarks

In an interview with SAYS, she said that on 27 September, her friend uploaded several photos of their group attending an event on Facebook.

After that, an acquaintance - who is a member of the V2K group - told them that their photos were being shared on Telegram.

The women in the photos then started to receive friend requests on their social media accounts as well as sexual messages from strangers.

Image via SAYS

The women affected then raised the issue on social media.

Then, more women discovered that their photos had been shared in the group without their consent.

Another victim came forward and told SAYS that her photos were sent to the group. 

She said, "I uploaded these photos on Instagram. Then I started receiving a ton of follower requests and messages from men saying they [ejaculated] to my photos. That's how I found out my photos had been shared to the group."

Image via SAYS

SAYS managed to join the Telegram group and found that besides sharing pornographic content, the members also screenshot women's photos from their social media accounts and expose personal information

While scrolling through the Telegram group, SAYS found that the members would send a woman's photo and ask other members if they have their information such as phone number, social media account, or even home address.

Image via SAYS

Today, 1 October, one of the victims received a phone call from an unknown number. 

"He called me and straight said that he got my number from Telegram. He called to ask for sex service," she said.

Meanwhile, some women have discovered that their close friends and family members are also in the group. 

"An uncle from my father's side is in the group," said one victim.

"Some of the members are my friends from university," another person noted.

Besides that, SAYS also found that group members could purchase a membership to gain access to more pornographic content which includes videos of underaged children

Image via SAYS

Users in the group even advise each other to use burner numbers, allowing them to remain anonymous and protect themselves

Image via SAYS

V2K has also set up a bot that can identify whether new members in the group are Telegram users that have changed their display name, thus exposing whether a new member is a woman or not.

If the group admin discovers that a member is a woman, they will be instantly removed from the group.

Image via SAYS

One of the victims has filed a report to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC)

A representative from MCMC has confirmed with SAYS that they have received the report. However, when asked if further action will be taken, they refused to comment.

Meanwhile, another victim said, "We managed to infiltrate the V2K group by using a male friend's account. We wanted to collect evidence before filing a police report. However, while in the group, we saw that the members were aware that they were about to be exposed. One member then noted that he was a police officer and if we filed a report, he would track us down."

"Fearing for our safety, we have yet to file a police report. However, we have reached out to Woman's Aid Organisation (WAO) and they have promised to support us in making a report," she added.

Image via SAYS

Telegram has previously been criticised for its policies which enable people to distribute pornographic content anonymously

According to The Print, an Indian news outlet, the application allows users to not only use a username instead of their phone number to protect their identity but also forward messages anonymously.

Besides that, you can also unsend messages and delete entire chats from not just your own phone, but also the other person's.

In the past, there have also been other reports about Malaysians using the app to distribute child pornography.

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Anonymously and confidentially report child sexual abuse content and non-photographic child sexual abuse images with IWF’s Reporting Portal.

Malaysia sits on top of the list in Southeast Asia when it comes to uploading and downloading photographs and visuals of child pornography:

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