
[VIDEO] Lim Guan Eng Becomes A Tour Guide For A Day In His Own House

He said that he had nothing to hide.

Cover image via BERNAMA

When Penang Chief Minister (CM) Lim Guan Eng was accused by UMNO that he had bought his bungalow way below the market value, he did that one thing that no other CM has done before: allow the media to tour his own house

Penang CM Lim Guan Eng showing the reporters the kitchen.

Image via The Star Online

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who is under siege over his purchase of a bungalow on Jalan Pinhorn, Penang, decided to invite the press to the property in question. Lim said this the first time that a CM had opened his house for public scrutiny.

He wondered aloud: "Would the other CM or Menteri Besar do as I did? I am the only CM who is willing to do so".

Lim said the bungalow is an ordinary unit although he cannot deny that it is situated in an upper middle-class area.

Lim questioned if other heads of state governments would be as transparent as him today, saying the criticism would continue but "let the people be the judge".

So, what does his house look like? Here are some photos:

Lim admitted that his wife, Betty Chew, was not too keen on the idea of letting the house be exposed to public scrutiny, but he said that it was "necessary" for him to do so

Lim Guan Eng with his wife, Betty Chew, in the living room.

Image via The Star Online

He said he had nothing to hide and expressed hope the people would understand the real situation instead of thinking he was living in luxury.

He, nonetheless, wished to thank his wife for allowing the media to enter the house although she wants her privacy to be respected.

"At least she agreed to open the door," he said after giving reporters a guided tour of his house on Jalan Pinhorn.

The Penang CM came under the spotlight after UMNO's Tasek Gelugor MP Datuk Shabudin Yahaya claimed that the Lim bought the house for only RM2.8 million, way below the market price of RM6-RM6.5 million for comparable houses

Tasek Gelugor MP Datuk Shabudin Yahaya

Image via

Shabudin, who made the revelation at Parliament last Thursday, claimed that the house, on 10,161 sq ft (943.98 sq metres) of land, was bought by Lim on Oct 25 last year for RM2.8mil.

This allegation had also attracted the attention of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), who said that a fresh investigation paper will be filed against him.

To this, Lim called for the anti-graft body to expedite the investigation so he could prove that there were no elements of corrupt practices in the purchase.

He also claimed that the purchase was made through an open tender, and on willing seller-willing buyer basis.

Lim revealed that he was able to afford the bungalow with a bank loan of RM2.1 million, and the balance of RM700,000 was from his allowance as chief minister and people's representative

Lim Guan Eng and members of the media pose outside his house during the tour yesterday, 20 March.

Image via CM Lim Guan Eng/Facebook

He said the sale of state government land was done through open tender and buyers were selected based on the highest offer.

"The state tender committee was not chaired by me and it had followed all the rules," he said.

Lim said the sale of the house had nothing to do with the company that won the state government land tender and was not a shareholder or member of the board of directors.

Meanwhile, Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan has criticised Lim on Twitter, saying that what the house tour was only a “gimmick”

Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

Image via The Star Online

“Showing your house to reporters doesn’t mean the scandal is suddenly justifiable. It’s just gimmick. #NoSwimmingPool."

“Just like when LGE boastfully says he is cleaner than clean because he declares his assets."

“No one can stop anyone from putting his assets under family members names or close business friends! Does he think we all that stupid?” Abdul Rahman wrote in a series of postings.

Watch the video of Lim giving the media a guided tour of his bungalow here:

Last year, Penang CM Lim Guan Eng came under fire for his decision to cull stray dogs to prevent the spread of rabies:

Former Selangor Menteri Besar Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo was sentenced to 12 months in prison last September for using his then position to purchase two plots of land and a bungalow in Shah Alam below the market price:

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