
IGP Acryl Sani: Police Officers Will Be Prohibited From Inspecting Foreigners At Random

He also assured that police cannot detain foreigners at will.

Cover image via Eizairi Shamsudin/Harian Metro

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Police officers and personnel will be prohibited from conducting random checks on foreigners, according to newly-appointed Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Datuk Seri Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani

This is to prevent a handful of cops and personnel from abusing their powers at will.

"I will issue a directive to stop the act immediately, which is to inspect them (foreigners) randomly without a reasonable or valid reason," Bernama quoted Acryl as saying last night, 6 May.

He also assured that foreigners won't be detained at will

"The police cannot detain them at will, to be remanded for two weeks, on the grounds of confirming whether their Immigration Department-stamped passport or document is genuine or otherwise," he said.

According to Acryl, such practices and cultures are some of the reasons that lead to abuse of power.

He also expressed the need for reforms to enhance the integrity of the police force, saying the department will never hide any form of a criminal offence, misconduct, corruption, or indiscipline among its personnel.

The directive from the IGP comes amidst an ongoing case where the authorities detained a Nigerian man, married to a Malaysian woman, for 39 days despite him having a valid visa until 14 October 2022

The 33-year-old man, who was arrested at a roadblock in Cheras on suspicion of drink-driving on 15 March, was only freed on the 40th day after the High Court ordered for his release on 23 April.

High Court judge Datuk Ab Karim Ab Rahman found that he was detained unlawfully and unconstitutionally.

The man, Simon Adavize Momoh, is now fighting against the cancellation of his spousal visa.

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