
Indonesia's Sukamiskin Inmates Lived In Hotel-Style Jail Cells. Here's All You Should Know

Prior to this week, its inmates had luxurious prison cells that looked like hotel rooms.

Cover image via Tempo/Deutsche Welle (edited)

Indonesia keeps its corruption convicts in one special jail — the Sukamiskin Prison

The Sukamiskin Prison in Bandung, West Java.

Image via Tempo

Deutsche Welle (DW) reported that the prison houses mostly former high-ranking Indonesian officials and businessmen convicted of corruption.

According to The Star, the husband of popular Indonesian singer, Inneke Koesherawati, is among the convicts in the Sukamiskin Prison. In 2017, he was slapped with a two years and eight months jail sentence for bribery.

However, it was revealed earlier this week that Sukamiskin's prisoners are not exactly miskin (poor) while serving their jail terms

Image via Deutsche Welle

Sukamiskin's inmates could enjoy luxury prison cells, and even hold their own cell keys with a price between IDR200 million and IDR500 million (approximately RM56,000 and RM140,000), according to The Star.

DW reported that the jail cells had air conditioning, a television, a refrigerator, and a private bathroom.

The fancy Sukamiskin lifestyle made it possible for convicts such as Gayus Tambunan, a former tax official, to attend a 2010 international tennis tournament in Bali.

Nonetheless, a raid on 21 July saw Sukamiskin's warden, along with a few other inmates, arrested for the extravagant prison scandal

Wahid Husen

Image via Phinisi

Indonesian media Tempo reported that Sukamiskin Prison head Wahid Husen was among the six people arrested in a raid by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

A KPK spokesperson told DW that money and vehicles, which were believed to be given as bribes to Wahid, were seized during the raid.

"KPK investigators have seized nearly IDR300 million (approximately RM84,000) in cash, nad also seized documents of purchase and receipts for cars, along with two cars given to Wahid Husen," the spokesperson was quoted as saying by DW.

Cash and receipts seized during the KPK raid.

Image via Deutsche Welle

Following Wahid's arrest, the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) reiterates that special prisons for corruption convicts are unnecessary

"Special prisons are not necessary, because there is striking discrimination like what happened in Sukamiskin," ICW spokesman, Emerson Yuntho was quoted as saying by DW.

He also suggested for these inmates to be put together with prisoners convicted of other crimes such as murder.

"Other prisons have overcapacity problems and meanwhile the corruptors' prison in Sukamiskin is luxurious," Emerson added.

What do you think about having a special prison for corruption convicts? Let us know in the comments below.

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