
PTPTN Loanee's Facebook Rant About Rude Officer From The Education Fund Agency Goes Viral

The post that was making the rounds on Facebook has gotten more than 8,500 shares so far.

Cover image via Kavita Subramaniam/Highered Strategy

On Wednesday, 2 September, a PTPTN loanee went to a PTPTN branch in Rawang to change her current loan repayment scheme to the Ujrah scheme. In her Facebook post that went viral, Kavitha lamented that the officer that attended to her was unprofessional and rude.

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Kavitha added that the officer did not have any personal identification but described the officer to be in green tudung and wearing baju kurung.

She claims that the officer raised her voice saying that Kavitha has an amount of RM600 arrears, and unless she settled it, she will not be able to change her scheme to Ujrah.

When Kavitha asked why was there arrears because she have been repaying PTPTN since she received her salary, the officer raised her voice

Image via Facebook

When Kavitha told the officer to learn how to respect customers, the officer replied that she has always talked in this manner. The officer also pointed out that even in the past when there were customers who raised their voices, she reacted the same way.

Kavitha said that she had made it known to the officer her dissatisfaction for receiving such "low-class treatment", adding that she had politely asked for the officer's name a few times, however the officer refused

Image via Facebook

The officer said that she cannot give her name and questioned Kavitha what is the intention of getting her name. Kavitha also claims that the officer asked what was the reason that Kavitha wants to complain.

Kavitha wrote on the post that she "has no choice" but to take the officer's picture and the colleague that was seated next to officer involved.

Towards the end of her post, Kavitha told PTPTN to monitor its officers and urged PTPTN to take action against the officer she encountered

Image via Facebook

According to Kavitha, she had submitted an official complaint to PTPTN's official website. She also mentioned that PTPTN could refer to the CCTV footage in the room.

She said that she has been dutifully paying back her PTPTN loan ever since she received her salary, unlike some who took the PTPTN loan but went missing.

She felt "regretful, embarrassed and insulted" for the treatment that was given to her in front of the public. She also noted that the officer was much younger than herself.

At the time of writing this story, Kavitha's post has been shared for more than 8,800 times

Image via Facebook

PTPTN has responded yesterday on its Facebook page saying that the management takes this case seriously

The statement revealed that action has been taken to check and examine the CCTV footage when Kavitha dealt with the officer in the Rawang One branch. It also added that follow-up action has been taken after thorough inspection, including dealing directly with Kavitha.

In her latest Facebook status update, Kavitha expressed her gratitude to those that supported her and specifically Rohaida Deris, General Manager for PTPTN Selangor and PTPTN for taking action against the officers involved

Image via Facebook

It is said that Rohaida have seen the CCTV footage and acknowledged the evidence, and consequently apologised to Kavitha. Unfortunately, the male officer involved had denied such incident and accused her for lying. Kavitha added that the male officer insulted her profession as an educator.

Kavitha felt a little abashed that a high ranking officer would apologise to her, and added that Rohaida will personally meet in her the near future.

Kavitha also brought to attention several blogs and pages that reposted her status with added hints of racism

Original post by 'Giler Kentang' (above), edited version (below)

Image via Facebook

The status update on Giler Kentang had been edited to the original version.

Kavitha stated that she has never once cursed any other race. In fact, all her close friends are Malays and Muslims.

Image via Facebook

She added that her friends from other races understood and have given their support in her action to complain.

Kavitha also specifically told off 'Giler Kentang' and 'Thehypemedia' for sensationalising the issue with racism.

She ended with a word of thanks to PTPTN for the thoughtful and speedy actions taken.

If you have not repayed your PTPTN loan, you may be barred from leaving the country:

Unsure of how to repay PTPTN? Here's how:

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