
Don't Panic, NASA Did NOT Say That Earth Will Fall Into Three Days Of Total Darkness

A hoax that was first started in 2012 has resurfaced, reigniting fear that total darkness is looming upon us.

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Did you read that viral article about NASA announcing that our earth will face three to six days of darkness in December 2014 due to a solar storm?

"NASA has confirmed that the Earth will experience 6 days of almost complete darkness and will happen from the dates Tuesday the 16 – Monday the 22 in December. The world will remain, during these three days, without sunlight due to a solar storm, which will cause dust and space debris to become plentiful and thus, block 90% sunlight."

This is what the article claimed:

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"This is the head of NASA Charles Bolden who made the announcement and asked everyone to remain calm. This will be the product of a solar storm, the largest in the last 250 years for a period of 216 hours total. Reporters interviewed a few people to hear what they had to say about the situation with Michael Hearns responding “We gonna be purgin my n*gga, six days of darkness means six days of turnin up fam”."

"Despite the six days of darkness soon to come, officials say that the earth will not experience any major problems, since six days of darkness is nowhere near enough to cause major damage to anything. “We will solely rely on artificial light for the six days, which is not a problem at all”, says NASA scientist Earl Godoy. Visit our website daily for more shocking news!"

Don't panic and rush off to buy extra candles and light bulbs just yet; the article is fake

An article circulating online, claiming that Nasa confirmed a total blackout of earth for six days in December is a fake news story.

The news article circulating online was posted by, a website known for publishing fake stories

The story titled, "NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!" originated from, a website well known for publishing fake stories with sensational headlines. However, there is no truth to the story and the website has previously published a fake report about American rapper and actor Tupac Shakur, claiming that he is alive. is a combination of real shocking news and satirical entertainment to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief.

Malaysia's National Space Agency, Angkasa, has also stepped up to debunk the hoax

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"The article quoted National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) president Charles Bolden who, according to the portal, said the news was the space agency's website. "However, there is no such news in the Nasa website. Other sources quoted in the story also couldn't be found, thus proving the news is fake," Angkasa said.

Angkasa also said this hoax had been going around since 2012 and that the portal also spread rumours that doomsday was to happen in December 2012.

Angkasa clarified that a solar storm would not cause the earth to go dark

Angkasa, in its statement, said a solar storm would not cause the earth to go dark. "Earth is protected by a magnetic layer (magnetosphere), which causes the solar storm to be deflected. The storm becomes weak before it enters earth. "When the remainder of the storm enters earth, it is discharged as an aurora in the southern and northern hemispheres," it said.

This story of the earth falling into total darkness has been circulating since 2012 when fears of the Mayan calendar ending on 21 December 2012 was rife

“This item originated back in 2012, when interest in the belief that the Mayan calendar would end on 21 December 2012 (thus foretelling the end of the world as we know it) was running high, and it has simply been updated and recirculated with the year 2014 replacing the original references to 2012.

Malaysians might have been anxious about the report following cases of tornadoes hitting Klang and Kedah

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