
Newly Painted Cathay Pacific Plane Ran Out Of "Fs" To Give

This is better than "covfefe".

Cover image via South China Morning Post

Everybody has a bad day and we all make mistakes, but at least your mistake isn't as glaring as this Cathay Pacific paint job gone wrong

In the photo, the plane suffers a misspelling that leaves the name as "Cathay Paciic".

While the source of the photos has not been confirmed, most media outlets credit the photos to the 'Hong Kong Aviation Discussion Board (HKADB)' Facebook group.

Cathay Pacific was quick to respond to the mishap, even poking fun at itself in the process

The Hong Kong airline posted "Oops this special livery won’t last long! She’s going back to the shop!" on its various media channels, including Twitter and Facebook.

However, South China Morning Post reported an engineer for the airline's sister company, Haeco saying they were baffled that such a mistake could happen.

"The spacing is too on-point for a mishap. We have stencils. Should be a blank gap in between letters if it was a real mistake I think," the engineer said. The error will likely cost the airline carrier several thousands to fix, though it is unclear who is to blame for it.

Cathay Pacific reportedly faced a similar blunder a few years back

South China Morning Post reported that one of the airline's earliest planes had its rebranded green "brushwing" logo painted on the wrong way.

The logo, which sits on the outer body just behind the cockpit, the carrier's logo looks like an arrow that points in the same direction of the plane's nose.

In the previous incident, the logo was painted on back to front instead. 

Still, many netizens got a good laugh out of the whole situation

Some netizens offered helpful suggestions on how to fix the error:

While others reasoned that it was a "hurricane" that blew the letter "F" away:

One netizen stood in solidarity with the airline and decided to totally eliminate the missing letter from their vocabulary:

Another netizen felt the situation was all too familiar:

While another netizen felt the airline could have made a buck from the mess by chartering a special flight for Cathay Pacific's "diamond members":

Spelling mistakes sometimes have historical consequences:

At least the only person Cathay Pacific offended was itself, unlike these other instances in Malaysia:

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