
Bride Walks Out Of Her Wedding After Groom-To-Be Failed To Solve Basic Maths Problem

He kept her in dark about his poor education!

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An Indian bride has walked out of her wedding after her groom-to-be failed to solve a simple maths problem, the BBC reported.

She was testing him on his math skills. When he got the sum wrong, she walked out. The question she asked: How much is 15 + 6?

What was his reply? He said 17.

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Reports say the groom's family tried to convince the bride to return, but she refused saying that he had misled her about his education.

According to the BBC, local police mediated between the families, and both sides returned all the gifts given before the wedding.

The incident happened in Rasulabad village, near the industrial town of Kanpur in northern Uttar Pradesh state, India. The bride's name is Lovely Singh and groom was named Ram Baran.

Speaking to a local police official, the bride's father Mohar Singh said that "just before the marriage ceremony Lovely came to know that Ram Baran is illiterate and she refused to marry him."

He told the Associated Press news agency that they were kept in the dark by the groom's family about his poor education. "Even a first grader can answer this [the maths test]."

Most marriages in India are arranged by the families, and it is common for a bride and groom to get married without spending much, or at times, any time at all in each other's company.

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Earlier in February, another bride in the same Indian state married a guest at her wedding after after her groom-to-be had a seizure and collapsed.

Angry that she had not been informed of his condition, she asked a member of her brother-in-law's family to marry her instead. Caught off guard at the bride's proposal, he, however, accepted her proposal.

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