
[VIDEO] CNN Asks Anwar About Capt Zaharie, Transparency And Controlled Media In Malaysia

Christiane Amanpour interviews opposition Anwar Ibrahim as the opposition leaders gets tied into conspiracy theories of what happened to flight MH370.

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Christiane Amanpour started the segment by describing the Malaysian government as "flying blind" in the MH370 investigation

Christiane Amanpour started the segment by describing the Malaysian government as

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One of the biggest conspiracy theories that has emerged links MH370 pilot Captain Zaharie to Anwar Ibrahim. Amanpour directs these allegations to the Opposition Leader who was recently sentenced to five years imprisonment for sodomy.

Amanpour directs these allegations the Opposition Leader who was recently sentenced to five years imprisonment for sedition

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When asked how does it feel to be caught up in this conspiracy, Anwar says he is used to receiving the blame for most of the problems in Malaysia

When asked how does it feel to be caught up in this conspiracy, Anwar says he is used to receiving the blame for most of the problems in Malaysia

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Anwar, who has been the target of ongoing attacks from the ruling government, constitutes the main Malaysian opposition.

Amanpour says according to Anwar's press secretary, Captain Zaharie is his "son's wife's mother's father's brother's son"

Christiane Amanpour

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Some have tried to tie Zaharie to Anwar as a family relation. Anwar's press secretary told CNN that Zaharie is the opposition leader's - wait for it - son's wife's mother's father's brother's son.

Anwar admits that Captain Zaharie is loosely related to his daughter-in-law, yet Anwar knows Captain Zaharie as a party activist and not a family member

Captain Zaharie

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"What my daughter-in-law told me is that he is a family member, not too close, but she calls him 'uncle,' which is quite common here," Anwar said. "But I know him... basically as a party activist."

"I don't see him to be in any way controversial, or taking any radical stance. I have a great difficulty in understanding why they are casting aspersions on him because I am known to him."

There have been reports in Malaysian media that just hours before the plane took off on March 8, Shah attended a hearing for Anwar, who was sentenced to five years in jail after a court overturned his 2012 acquittal on a sodomy charge.

Amanpour, "Do you think he is a fanatic?" Anwar explains that Captain Zaharie is against any form of extremism.

Amanpour questioning Anwar

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"He supports our multi-racial coalition. He supports democratic reform. He is against any form of extremism," Anwar said of Zaharie, whom he said he has met "on a number of occasions." "And we take a very strong position in clamoring for change through constitutional and democratic means."

There are allegations saying Captain Zaharie hijacked MH370 as a response to Anwar's sedition sentencing after attending the court proceeding. However, Anwar says Captain Zaharie was not in court that day.

There have been reports in Malaysian media that just hours before the plane took off on March 8, Shah attended a hearing for Anwar, who was sentenced to five years in jail after a court overturned his 2012 acquittal on a sodomy charge.

"He was not in the court," Anwar said. "He may have been outside in the premises of the court, because the court has a limited capacity. But from what I gather, from many of our colleagues, nobody actually saw him in the premises of the court."

Anwar says Captain Zaharie may have been disturbed by the sedition charge, but many others were also disturbed. Anwar is certain it was not something that would trigger Captain Zaharie to do any unwanted activity.

Anwar says Captain Zaharie may have been disturbed by the sedition charge, but many other were also disturbed.

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"I gathered later from many of his colleagues and from what is written about him that he was disturbed - many others were disturbed. I mean, we were shocked and appalled by the speed of the process of the court of appeal." "But I think that's quite normal. I don't think it's something that would trigger a person of his expertise, caliber, to do any unwanted activity. I am absolutely certain of that."

Amanpour then asked Anwar to describe the Malaysian government's handling of the MH370 investigation and communication. Anwar revealed information about the Radar Macorni system in the Northern corridor as it was procured during his term as Finance Minister.

"When they procured that Radar Marconi system in that Northern corridor, I happened to be the finance minister," he told Amanpour. "They had the capability to detect any flight from the west - or from the east to the west coast, from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean."

"I find it shocking that (the government officials) are not able, that they were not able, or they give some very scanty sort of information."

"The problem is credibility of the leadership. They are culpable because there is a general perception that they are not opening up, that there is an opaque system at work."

Touching on transparency, Amanpour asked "Is there a culture in the government that is not used to giving out these kind of facts?"

Anwar: "I appreciate the argument of national security if the information is something that would threaten the survival of our nation. But in this case it is just to detect an unauthorised flight flying from the South China Sea to the Indian Ocean passing through a few of our provinces. And I can't find any explanation to support the case of why was this not detected. If it was detected why were people not told? And why have you allowed for millions of dollars spent in search and rescue in the South China Sea knowing very well that the plane have left towards the Indian Ocean? This is not national security, this is purely incompetence."

According to Anwar, the government have been so used to a compliant controlled media that they have troubles confronting an independent free media.

Najib in a October 2013 interview with Christiane Amanpour on CNN

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Anwar: "The problem is the issue of governance. The Malaysian authorities and leadership were only used to a compliant government-controlled media where people just say yes to whatever they say. Now they have to confront an independent free media. Then nobody question whatever the chief of the air force or the chief of the army whenever they issue a statement. Now, people are saying look, there are many experts disputing some of their arguments. This is 2014, you can't govern in obsolete ways."

Amanpour had interviewed Prime Minister Najib in October 2013. Anwar was asked to comment on Najib's claim that he had abolished the Internal Security Act, the Emergency Rule, and allowed for Peaceful Assembly.

Anwar's reaction upon listening to Najib's statement

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Anwar: "Impressive pronouncements but the Internal Security Act was replaced by SOSMA (Security Offences). Party leaders, opposition, are still being arrested and charged for sedition. One leading member of the opposition was fined and thrown out of the parliament because of sedition. There is of course my case where they rushed through the court process in one hour to decide on a very important case.

Many other members of the parliament are now waiting for their turn. Media is completely under the control of the govt. If you talk and mention transformation, impressive pronouncements but hardly any action."

WATCH: Anwar Ibrahim's exclusive interview with Christiane Amanpour on CNN

A day before this CNN interview, Anwar proclaimed that he is more qualified than Najib in managing the MH370 communications

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