
25 Rowdy Chinese Passengers Detained After They Flung Open Flight's Emergency Doors

A total of 25 passengers were detained by airport police, though it was not clear if they had been released.

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Over the past decade, China's wealth has grown, which has also brought about a boom in its air travel. But day-to-day Chinese air travellers, it seems, are unable to handle it, as is evident with several reports of incidents involving their rowdy behaviour.

A past photo of Air China passengers brawling mid-air between mother and women over crying baby, where one of the passenger was lifted and flung into the overhead lockers

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And in the latest incident involving rowdy behaviour by Chinese air travellers, 25 Chinese passengers reportedly opened emergency doors before a delayed flight was about to take-off on 10 January

They were forced to wait in their seats for hours Saturday after their flight from the southwest city of Kunming to Beijing was delayed, Xinhua news agency said.

After requesting that they be allowed off the plane for health reasons, some passengers "opened three emergency doors in an attempt to stop the flight," forcing the plane to return to the terminal, Xinhua cited a passenger as saying.

The passenger added that those on board were worried that the vice captain was unable to control himself after he "swore and cursed," Xinhua said.

The flight, which had already been delayed for five hours due to heavy snow, faced further delays while ice was being cleared. In the meantime, the Chinese passengers became angry that their flight was delayed by snow and opened the emergency doors.

Following the incident, a total of 25 passengers were detained by airport police, though it is not clear if they had been released

File photo of airport workers removing snow and ice from a China Eastern plane, taken at Shanghai's Hongqiao airport

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Back in 2014, in December, a budget flight from Thailand to China was forced to return to Bangkok after a Chinese passenger threw hot water at a cabin attendant, and a few days later four brawling Chinese women nearly caused an Air China flight to turn back

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