
New Zealand Is Looking For Tech Professionals And They'll Pay For Your Interview Trip Too

It's not a scam.

Cover image via Wellington

Want to go on a trip to New Zealand for free? All you need to do is score an interview there!

If you're thinking that's too good to be true, think again.

Wellington is looking to hire tech experts and if you have the expertise and can prove your talents, they are more than willing to offer you a free trip to New Zealand.

What's the catch? Well, they only have 100 positions in the tech industry to fill.

In the article published by Travel + Leisure, a New York-based travel magazine, it was highlighted that the beautiful, bustling capital city of New Zealand is looking for software developers, creative directors, product managers, analysts, and digital strategists to enrich their tech industry.

It was mentioned that Wellington's new "global talent attraction programme" is in line with their efforts to increase and broaden their tech talents.

If you are tech professional looking for greener pastures, here's how you can be a part of Wellington's search for tech talents:

1. Firstly, head over to the LookSee Wellington site and register your interest to be a tech candidate.

2. Next, create a profile and add in all the relevant details requested.

3. Once you've done that, employers will start nominating the best candidates.

4. At the end of the selection process, LookSee will choose 100 of the most-nominated candidates for a free weeklong trip to Wellington. All expenses for airfare and accommodation will be paid for by them.

The trip is expected to take place from 8 till 11 May in Wellington.

What will the weeklong trip entail if you get selected?

Wellington, New Zealand.

Image via Wellington

Throughout the week, the candidates will participate in pre-arranged job interviews, meet-ups with other tech professionals and "leading tech firms" and spend the remaining time exploring Wellington.

LookSee will also organise informational events to help potential employees and immigrants understand the process of relocating to New Zealand.

At the end of the trip, the tech firms will make job offers to selected candidates.

The registration and resume submission deadline is 20 March.

Good luck with the applications! :D

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