
6 Simple Ways To Save On Your Electricity Bill In 2014

The electricity tariff is set to increase by 15% next year and we are already feeling the pinch in our pockets now. Here are a few ways to reduce your electricity consumption, and perhaps, save some money!

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1. Don't Use Too Much Detergent When Washing Your Clothes

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Don’t use too much detergent. It will make your washer work harder and use more energy.

2. Use A Book-Light When Reading A Book

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If you’re reading a small book, there’s no reason to have to light up the entire room!

3. Shut Off And Unplug Electronic Devices When You're Not Using Them

Even when you turn off a computer, it continues to draw power as long as it is plugged into an electrical outlet, so unplugging it is another way to shave your electric bill.

When plugged in, these devices use stand-by power, which can amount to 5 to 10 percent of your home's energy consumption.

4. Take Shorter Showers To Reduce Electricity Used To Pump And Heat The Water

So stop reflecting on deep thoughts in your shower! Just wash and rinse and go!

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Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth and take shorter showers. This will not only save water, but it will also save the electricity that it takes to pump and heat the water.

5. Use Fluorescent Light Bulbs

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Use fluorescent light bulbs because they use 75% less energy and last longer than incandescent light bulbs.

The problem with the usual light bulbs (incandescent light bulbs) is that the heat wastes a lot of electricity. Heat is not light, and the purpose of the light bulb is light, so all of the energy spent creating heat is a waste.

6. Only Use Air Conditioning If It's Really REALLY Panas Out There

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In the typical home, air conditioning uses more electricity than anything else—16% of total electricity used.

Turning off your A/C while you are away is more efficient than letting it run while you are gone.

Other Stories For You: Don't Be Surprised If Your Electricity Bill Is 10-20% Higher Than Normal In 2014

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