
[VIDEO] How To Survive Your First Chinese New Year As A Newlywed

"If everyone double ang pow, then next month I don't need to eat already lah!"

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It's your first CNY as a married couple, but your husband has left you to kaotim your open house all by yourself AAAAHHHHH!

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Ling Ling: "QIANG!!! Where are you? It's our first Chinese New Year together and I'm literally doing everything! Oh my God! People come liao, people come liao!"

The aunties are at the door and the kiddos are clamouring for their ang pows! Whatchu gonna do?! No worries liao, just watch the video below for some handy tips on how to survive the festive season:

First, you gotta find a way to deal with those sibuk aunties who won't stop asking you about every tiny detail of your life

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Aunties: *talking non-stop*

Ling Ling: *trying not to have a panic attack*

Then it's time to tackle the smart kiddos who know that you need to give them extra ang pow this year

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Little girl: "Ling Ling jie jie! Mummy just now told me hor, married couples' first Chinese New Year must give double ang pow one leh. Hehe!"

Aiyo everyone wants to use your toilet liao! GG wei, summore during CNY cannot clean :(

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Ling Ling: "What the heck?!" Shouldn't have given out so much kok fa to everyone. Confirm dirty la my toilet if everyone use! Somemore now Chinese New Year I cannot clean..."

But all is well 'cause you were smart enough to wash your toilet with Mr Muscle Toilet Bowl Cleaner the day before CNY. Plus, you even added on the new Mr Muscle Fresh Discs to prevent stains that harbour germs.

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Fairy God Ah Ma: "You already washed the toilet with Mr Muscle Toilet Bowl Cleaner what. And then somemore I asked you to add on this new product that can prevent stains that harbour germs. Worry what somemore?! Use Mr Muscle products, confirm your toilet continously fresh and clean one!"

With Mr Muscle products, all your CNY cleaning woes are sorted. They'll have your toilet (and the rest of your house) so sparkling clean that even the aunties won't have anything to complain about! ;)

For more information, check out Mr Muscle's website or Facebook page.

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