
13 Unspoken Rules Every Vaper Should Be Aware Of By Now

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Cover image via Warner Bros / SAYS

Vaping is getting increasingly popular these days, especially among the younger generation who'd rather opt for e-cigarettes than the cancer-inducing conventional cigarettes

Image via The Star Online

Seeing as the authorities and researchers around the world are still studying the ins and outs of this new alternative to smoking, there is yet to be concrete regulations - if any - to be imposed on vapers.

However, that does not mean that it's okay to vape freely without consideration of others. Hence, the need for these unspoken rules in vaping etiquette:

1. Here's the basic rule: Don't vape where you can't smoke

"Why not?", you ask. The vapour doesn't smell. Even if it does, it smells nice. Plus, there's no secondhand smoke, 'cos the vapour dissipates and doesn't linger!

Well, non-smokers may be appreciative about the lack of toxic fumes in vaping, but that doesn't mean they are as receptive towards being engulfed in clouds of vapour. Plus, parents might get rightfully p*ssed if you vape in front of their kids.

With that said, don't vape in shopping malls, movie theatres, and restaurants, just to name a few. If you really can't help it, step outside where it won't disturb or distract the other patrons.

2. Don't vape in enclosed spaces, such as elevators, toilet cubicles, in the car, on public transportation like buses and LRTs, as well as in rooms with the doors closed

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3. Be respectful of non-smokers/vapers and the people around you. If you're thinking of vaping indoors e.g. in bar, restaurant, or private office, always ask for permission from your friends or the owner of an establishment if you can vape. #commoncourtesy

People who are unfamiliar with vaping might get a little annoyed if you just whip out your e-cig and start puffing away, as harmless as it may be.

Asking for permission sets the stage for mutual respect, it might even spark interest and spur conversation between you and the person you're talking to.

In the event that you started smoking without asking for permission and are asked to stop, try to explain what you're doing in a civil way. If that doesn't work, simply cease without kicking up a fuss. Inciting an argument may add to more prejudice and result in tighter regulations in the future.

The "it's my business if I want to smoke/vape" is completely inaccurate and selfish. It is another party's business if it brings on a negative effect.

4. Don't blow the vapour into anyone's face. That's just plain rude.

Image via FastTech

Even vapers can get annoyed when someone does this. It's not that difficult to blow the vapour towards any direction other than into someone's face; you have 360-degrees to work with.

5. Unless you're making a dramatic entrance as a ghost in a Halloween play, don't cloud-chase in public

Image via YouTube

So, you like to make big, big clouds of vapour to contain your dreams.

By all means, do so in the comfort of your own home or in a vape-friendly environment such as a vape store or a closed-door vape convention.

Just don't be a walking fog machine in public. No one likes to be shrouded in fog all the time, we're not on the set of 'Silent Hill'.

6. Practice stealth vaping for moments where you are allowed to vape in public places. It's like ninja vaping!

Image via Volcano E-Cigs

Stealth vaping is when you deliberately create small amounts of vapour in a bid to be discreet while vaping in a public setting.

We suppose you could try stealth vaping in places where vaping is still a grey area, but don't be too sketchy about it or you'll draw suspicion! ;p

7. Try not to use highly-flavoured mixtures or scents that are too overpowering

Image via TLC

It's kinda like when someone who wears too much perfume or aftershave walks past you and you're trying not to gag from the cloying smell.

8. Don't leave your old e-cig cartridges and vaping gear lying around everywhere. Throw them away after you are done.

Image via Hashish House

Remember that the cartridges contain nicotine and even old cartridges can pose a risk to pets and children. Don’t leave your vaping gear lying around or you could risk a deadly accident.

9. Ask for permission before using another person's e-cigarette. You might think this doesn't happen... but it totally does.

Image via Meme Generator

10. Don't be a vape snob. It's not cool to look down on others in the community just because the size, specs, design, or price of their device is not on the same level as yours.

Image via Vent69

An individual's device depends on their personal experiences, preference, and technical ability, so it's really nobody's business.

11. To those who quit smoking to join the vape community: Don't be condescending and rude to smokers

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Converts make the worst fanatics, they say, and this applies to some vapers too. Having switched to electronic cigarettes, this sub-group of vapers feel they have the right to look down on and criticise smokers in the same way non-smokers once did to them. But don’t smokers have the right to make their own choices?

12. Arm yourself with knowledge so that you are able to answer general questions the curious public may have for you

Image via Reuters

People are often curious about vaping, but also wary. If you are approached or challenged by anyone, try to take the time to explain vaping and answer any questions. Be patient in addressing any myths they communicate to you. Who knows, in doing so; you might correct some misconceptions, but also indirectly help others make the switch to vaping - even if the person you're talking to is not a smoker.

13. With that said, please don't act like a vape evangelist and force your 'beliefs' on everyone else. Your non-vaper friends will definitely NOT appreciate hearing the benefits of vaping on repeat.

Image via Instagram

Feel free to tell your friends about your choice to vape when they ask about it. Share information and be prepared to back your claims with research. However, don’t go over the top and treat your e-cig habit like a political campaign.

In short, be considerate of others and don't be the jerk who contributes to giving vapers a bad name:

For those who are still new to the vape game:

Meanwhile, the Johor Sultan has banned vape:

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