
TNB Wants Young Malaysians To Stay Longer After Reunion Dinner In This Funny CNY Ad

The ong-est hours are what matters the most.

Cover image via TNB

This Spotlight is sponsored by Tenaga Nasional Berhad.

One of the best parts about CNY reunion dinners is undoubtedly getting to feast on all the delicious food

Image via TNB

But after the makan is over, you'd probably be super tempted to rush back home to binge watch your favourite Netflix series instead of staying on longer at your grandparents' house

Image via TNB

Some would rather rush home or hang out with friends instead of counting down to Chinese New Year with their family. On the other end, gong gong, poh poh, uncles, and aunties actually want to spend more time with the youngsters, especially on Chinese New Year Eve.

That's why this year, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) wants to remind young Malaysians that the most ong hours are the ones spent with family in this hilarious CNY ad:

While the youngsters try to sneak away after reunion dinner, all the family members make them busy with fun activities in hopes that they will stay longer:

Poh poh brings out her 68 kinds of CNY cookies for them to try out

Image via TNB

She probably made those cookies especially for her grandkids, so don't let all her hard work go to waste! 

Then, the super hip uncles and aunties teach the youngsters how to have a full on karaoke party

Image via TNB

Nothing brings the family together like belting out CNY songs at the top of your lungs.

And gong gong won't let them leave until they all take a try on his new massage chair

Image via Maxis

Gong gong is probably super excited about his new massage chair, so why not join in the excitement and entertain him by testing out all the features? :D

Ultimately, the youngsters realise that spending time with family is actually fun and before they know it, the clock strikes 12 midnight and it's already Chinese New Year!

Image via TNB

CNY is not just about spending time with family during the reunion dinner, and then leaving to your individual homes right after. It's about hanging out together, be it before, during, or after the dinner! It's these ong-est hours that matter the most.

After all, CNY only happens once a year, and it's the only time you get to see your WHOLE family together. So cherish your moments together and don't take it for granted!

TNB wishes everyone a Happy Chinese New Year! Don't forget to make time for your family and show them some extra love and appreciation.

Image via TNB

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