
19 Things In Your Life You Should Let Go Of, That Are Holding You Back

What's holding you back in life? Have you identified them? Check out this list of 19 things and let go of them TODAY!

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1. Mean or uncomfortable exchanges with people - either in your text or Internet history - that you occasionally go over and re-read because they make you feel angry and terrible all over again

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2. The phone numbers of people that never, ever call you or text you first, and often don't even respond when you text them

3. The idea that life owes you something - in adulthood, you don't get trophies for just showing up, you have to earn them

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4. The labelling of your efforts like "not good enough" or "stupid", those of which shuts down your growth before you've even begun

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5. Subscriptions to online stores that you can't afford, and which send you tons of emails and texts about sales you should not be spending money on

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6. Bitterness over the things that your friends or coworkers have, that you might not be able to afford or have time for

Bugatti Veyron Super Sports, photo from The Super Cars.

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7. Expectations about having "the perfect" significant other, or someone who is going to make you feel better about yourself/fix your problems in a way you're not able to do on your own

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8. Facebook friendships with exes that you have no interest in talking to again, and only keep around so you can occasionally stalk their new significant other

9. Friends who only like to hang out with you or keep their plans when it involves drinking and spending a lot of money, and who otherwise aren't that interested in being around you or hearing what you have to say

10. Junk food that you know you're going to binge-eat if you keep them in your kitchen

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11. The idea that you need to tapao kopi ais on the way to work every morning, when you could be saving hundreds a year

Kopi O Ais, photo from Garuda.

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12. Love for people who will never love you back, no matter how much energy you devote to caring about them and wondering what they're doing at this moment

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13. Family members who make you feel terrible about yourself, who contribute nothing to your life, and whose only connection to you is genetics at this point

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14. The idea that the amount of work you can do is directly correlated with how much time you spend at the office or how long you spend working at home

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15. Memories of the time you label "the best time of your life," which makes you consciously feel as though everything else you do will never compare

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16. Old clothes you no longer wear or use, which just clutter up your closet; and could easily be donated to people who would actually use them.

Cupboard clutter, photo from Neenjames.

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17. Desire for name-brand and the latest version of everything, even when the generic brand or off-brand is just as good

Patrons lining up outside a luxury goods store, photo from Luxuo.

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18. A sense of entitlement about the amount of material things you think you deserve in life, especially when it's much, much more than you need to be safe and comfortable

Walk-in-wardrobe design, photo from Home Designing.

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19. Facebook friendships with people you don't really know, don't care about, and who post ridiculous things that always make you roll your eyes

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