
[PHOTOS] These Adorable Post-Wedding Photoshoots Focus On The Realities Of Marriage

Awww, so cute! *heart eyes*

Cover image via Twins Photography , Joshua Koh Photography , The Wedding Notebook

Couples can get so caught up in wedding planning and counting down to the big day, that they sometimes forget what matters most

After all, the days that follow the exchange of vows are what's truly important, as you'll be starting on a lifelong journey with your beloved partner and building a life together.

In celebration of married life, we collaborated with EcoWorld and The Wedding Notebook on some gorgeous post-wedding photoshoots

Instead of epic backdrops and fabulous outfits, these photoshoots focused on capturing the little moments that mean the most in a marriage.

The couples were dressed casually and photographed doing simple, everyday things like grocery shopping, taking a walk, or just spending some quality time together at home.

The photoshoots took place at Eco Ardence, a stunning township known for having lots of Insta-worthy spots

EcoWorld is currently running the #InstaYours Homeownership Programme, an initiative that aims to make it easier for young Malaysians to become homeowners.

It lets you either choose a home that's being built and move in when it is ready, or move in to an existing EcoWorld property for a five-year period.

Find out more about #InstaYours at the end of the story!

Check out the adorable photos and the couples' sweet stories below:

Newlyweds Raihan and Haris first met when they were only eight years old. Both had accompanied their respective fathers to a triathlon in Port Dickson.

It was love at first sight for young Haris who couldn't help but notice how cute Raihan looked in her glittery butterfly t-shirt, but was too shy to speak to her.

Though their families remained close over the years, Haris was still hesitant to make a move, and instead chose to keep tabs on her from afar (read: Facebook stalking). Meanwhile, Raihan remained unaware of her future husband's affections.

Fortunately, fate found a way to reunite the pair. Sometime after the both of them had returned from the UK, Raihan saw Haris at a lunch.

This time, his wit and charm captured her, and soon Raihan found herself making excuses to sit closer to Haris whenever their families had dinner together.

They slowly started spending more and more time with each other, including a memorable day they spent walking around the city in search of the perfect egg tarts. Raihan got bad blisters on her feet that day, but would gladly do it all over again, awww!

They fell in love, and the rest is history <3

Having first met at church in Kuala Lumpur back in October 2015, Michelle and Matthew have now been married for a year

When they met, Michelle had just moved back to Malaysia from the States, while Matthew had moved to KL from Penang earlier that year. As it was drizzling outside, Matthew offered to walk Michelle to her car but she declined.

That night, he found her on Facebook through a mutual friend, and she was delighted to see a friend request from him the next morning. They began talking and haven't stopped since!

They faced a minor setback to their budding relationship when Michelle had to move to Singapore for work, but Matthew made an effort to meet her in Ipoh during one of her trips back

She was having lunch with her extended family, so he ended up meeting all of them even before they were an official couple - grandparents, uncles, aunties, and cousins included!

Michelle and Matthew were only able to see each other once or twice a month, but they would talk on the phone every night, chatting for hours about everything under the sun.

One Christmas, when Michelle was back for the holidays, both their families gathered for a Christmas Eve dinner at Michelle's grandparents' house, and everyone got along great.

They were still just friends at this point, but Matthew asked her to be his girlfriend a few days later, and Michelle immediately said yes!

Over the next year, the couple took turns travelling every other week to see each other until Michelle eventually moved back to KL

That's when Matthew grabbed the chance to propose to Michelle at the top of Bukit Tabur during a hiking trip with their best friends. She burst into tears and said yes the moment she saw him down on one knee. :')

They got married on 19 January 2019 and consider themselves truly blessed to be on this journey together!

An important milestone for any married couple is buying their first home. This will be where they start their journey as a family and create many beautiful memories of their life together.

Image via EcoWorld

EcoWorld wants to make this process easier with their new #InstaYours Homeownership Programme. It's applicable to selected EcoWorld townships in Klang Valley, Penang, and Iskandar Malaysia.

#InstaYours enables you to choose a house that’s currently being built by paying only a refundable security deposit equivalent to three months’ payments upon bank approval.

This means no downpayments or extra payments during the construction period! You can move in for a five-year period once the house is ready.

Image via Eco Forest

You'll have the option of purchasing this property from the second year onwards of the five-year period.

Whether you choose a property that’s being built now or a house that's ready to move into, you can opt to switch from a tenancy agreement to a traditional mortgage plan within the five-year period.

Should you decide not to buy the property, you can walk away after your five-year period with no strings attached.

The best part is that you'll be able to lock-in the price of your dream home

Young Malaysians often find it difficult to buy a home due to financial reasons, especially with the fluctuating property prices that tend to go up as the years go by. With #InstaYours, you'll be able to lock-in the purchase price of your selected property for the five-year period!

For example, let’s say you sign up for an EcoWorld property under the #InstaYours programme this year when it is priced at RM750,000. After four years, you decide to exercise your purchase option. The market value of your current home is now RM980,000, but thanks to #InstaYours’ price lock-in feature, you can purchase your home for its earlier value of RM750,000.

This is also applicable to homes being built - you can lock down the property price during construction.

With #InstaYours, your monthly payments are LOWER than monthly instalments on traditional mortgage loans, making it an affordable option for new homeowners

Image via EcoWorld

Monthly payments under #InstaYours are cheaper than traditional mortgage payments!

Additionally, the earlier you decide to purchase your EcoWorld home, the better the incentives you will enjoy. You are entitled to attractive incentives if you choose to exercise the option to purchase your dream home on the second or third year of the five-year period.

Another bonus is that #InstaYours allows you to purchase the very same house that you’ve been living in. So it saves you all the time, hassle, and extra costs that come with having to move to a new place.

Whether you’re looking for a home in the Klang Valley, Penang, or Iskandar Malaysia, #InstaYours makes moving into your dream home an enjoyable journey

Image via EcoWorld

For more information, visit any EcoWorld Gallery or click here. Terms and conditions apply.

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