
[VIDEOS] From The Heartfelt To Comical, These 22 CNY Ads Of 2022 Will Keep You Entertained

Ngl, some of these made me cry. :')

Cover image via HongLeong Bank Malaysia (YouTube) , Watsons Malaysia (YouTube) , McDonaldsMalaysia (YouTube)

1. Breaking away from traditional reunion scripts, Yoodo reminds you to do you as CNY approaches

When a director's mum, sister, and nephew pay a surprise visit while he's presenting CNY storylines to a client at work, his family end up pitching ideas of their own. They're there for lunch, and get into good-natured family antics, leaving the director slightly embarrassed, hehe.

But, suddenly, the client breaks into tears. GG mou?

2. Maybank fuses the past and present through a comical take that will definitely get you chuckling in no time

In this video, Wong Bak Fu, a scholar from 1388 tries to meet the demands of his family on CNY eve — ang pow money, new clothes, and a fancy spread for dinner — oh my! All he wants is peace and quiet during CNY, so he makes a wish on an ancestral tiger talisman hoping that it'll help.

Meanwhile, in 2022, junior executive Xiu Fu is stuck in the office, unable to go home for reunion dinner, sien. :(

3. Let Gamuda Land tug on your heartstrings with this touching video that shows a mum and daughter getting the house ready for CNY

After they quarrel over decorating their home, the daughter finds a familiar key while sweeping under a chest of drawers. 

The key to happiness, as the keychain states, turns out to be a magical one. Thanks to this new discovery, she has her share of fun, but soon realises what true happiness is to her. :')

4. Ban leng leng and slip into the CNY mood with this uber festive, firecracker of an ad from Watsons, featuring well-known local names like Amber Chia, Jinnyboy, Han Xiiao Aii, Phei Yong, Meeki, and more

Set in a vibrant, old school Chinese home (the kind you see in period dramas), Jin Jia Sui visits her eccentric family for CNY.

From her Wing Cun Cousin to Iron Palm Auntie, she finds everyone at home mysteriously practising some form of kung fu, and wonders what it has to do with the celebration, hmmm.

5. Serving a dose of nostalgia, you'll miss doing fun things with your mum, in this case CNY hair makeovers, thanks to this video from McDonald's

In Gunung Rapat, a hairdresser mum enjoys giving her family the best hairstyles for CNY. Her daughter puts up with the wacky hairdos (especially since a trip to McDonald's comes after the salon sessions, hehe), from primary to secondary school. But the yearly tradition soon hits a pause.

6. The best kind of luck happens when you forge ahead with loved ones, as told by Maxis

This video has already garnered over 1,405,000 views since it was uploaded on January 24, and with good reason too. 

Both entertaining and endearing, Make Our Luck features an adorable grandfather-grandson duo. Eager to get more guests, Gong Gong puts his all into decorating his homestay business with auspicious festive displays, while his grandson tries to help in his own way.

7. Two sisters from Hong Leong Bank's video prove that teamwork makes the dream work, especially when it comes to yummy pineapple tarts

Xiao Wen and Xiao Wu want to help their dad and family business by making pineapple tarts that appeal more to modern tastes. However, the two sisters are like night and day when it comes to their personalities. Watch how they join forces and embrace each other's differences, hehe.

8. Experience pleasant feelings of happiness with Sunway Group's inspiring video

Inspired by a true story, Yvonne spends her time helping out the community in an old folks home near her house. This includes growing healthy and pesticide-free vegetables. However, one resident, Uncle Tan, prefers to keep to himself, seemingly uninterested in joining any of the activities.

9. Mr.DIY drives home the meaning of family in this uplifting video that warms the heart

The video follows three Malaysians — a chicken rice seller, tailor, and barber — who are ready to close shop for CNY. It nicely illustrates that no matter who we are and what we do, the strong bond we share is what makes us a family, awww. <3

10. In this amusing take by Etiqa Insurance, every day is an auspicious day, as long as loved ones come together

Da Bao's grandmother runs a tight ship with their family — based on her trusty little almanac a.k.a tung shin, which she uses to guide her on all things auspicious. In this video, the young grandson narrates the story of when things take a turn, plunging the family into uncertainty and chaos.

11. Bop to foodpanda's festive and cheery music video this CNY, wheee!

You don't have to understand Mandarin to enjoy this lil number. Featuring a trendy-looking family having an extraordinarily fun time celebrating CNY, you'll be nodding your head along to the beat in no time. ;D

12. Take a peek into local practices and traditions during CNY with this light-hearted video from UEM Sunrise

Starring the Ongs, this series about Malaysian culture is presented as a fun family affair. From mealtime customs to decorations during the festive season, let Gonggong, Popo, Mama, Papa, Girlgirl, and Boyboy show you the way things are done during CNY, hehe.

13. Tenaga Nasional Berhad wants you to know that you can always count on family to be a beacon of light in moments of darkness

A series of unfortunate events unfold when sweet Aunty Choi does her final round of shopping before CNY. While she is eager to meet her nieces, nephews, and other relatives, she decides to sit out the celebrations this year, so as to not have her bad luck rub off on them. :(

14. LOL at this funny video by Air Selangor, an ode to the family member who is always up to comical antics

Filmed in the style of a reality show, Raymond talks to the camera about how he's decided to go all out with the celebrations this year. He wants to make his family happy even though he will be absent at the dinner table during CNY.

But why is his mum unimpressed with his actions? It's not why you think it is, haha.

15. This video by Taylor's University shows that circumstances will turn for the better when you put your heart into your passion

Oftentimes, the future that we envision for ourselves don't align with what our parents intend for us. In this video, a culinary arts graduate achieves her dream of opening her own restaurant.

She's had to pay her dues working long hours in other kitchens for years before getting to where she is today, which inevitably causes friction with her mother.

16. For better or worse, Digi shows that your fam will always be there for you when you need them

Growing up with rowdy relatives, a girl takes over Tiger Wong Seafood Restaurant, the family business where everyone works. And, it's not exactly the easiest job in the world either.

Suffice to say, accepting change can be unpleasant to some — causing tension to run high as she tries to scale the business.

17. myNEWS adds a touch of whimsy in this video, as they wish you a roaring and happy CNY

While most of us are celebrating CNY with family and friends at home, there are some who still have to clock in for work instead. 

In this video, a cute 'tiger' pops up in a myNews store, where a worker shows how well he is able to tell between the different personalities of his customers.

18. You'll be counting down the days till you go back home for CNY with EcoWorld's oldie but goodie plot this year

Unfortunately, many of us might be guilty of missing texts and phone calls from our mums and dads, more so around the holidays. In this video, a mother is seen trying to call and send voice notes and texts, only to have them go unanswered by her busy son. :((

19. Eu Yan Sang puts things into perspective and perfectly sums up the last two years of missed reunions ;')

Naturally, many of us are looking forward to reuniting with our families this CNY. In A Long Awaited Reunion Dinner, a young family in the city finally gets to visit back home, much to the delight of their parents.

20. Counterpain shows appreciation to all the mums who put their hearts into everything they do for family, awww :')

This serves as a reminder to cherish all the loving people in your life even more, that's for sure. Featuring Ma's selfless effort in preparing tuen yuen fan (reunion dinner) for her family, her daughter realises a lot of love and hard work goes into this special occasion for CNY.

21. To nurture the things you love and allow them to blossom, kindness, patience, and proper care are required, as evident in this video by S P Setia

In a family of gardeners who own a plant nursery, a son returns home for the holidays. His parents are rushing to meet orders for CNY, so he lends a hand at work, confident that the flowers he is tending to will bloom beautifully. However, things don't go as planned.

22. And last but not least, enjoy this cheeky lil take from Your Maker and Panggung Studios, heheh :P

The former is an ad agency, while the other's a production house. Keeping it short and sweet, you'll definitely be left grinning after watching this CNY greeting that cuts out the obvious, and is anything but overdone.

Wanna know what's in store for you this year? Read your zodiac fortune for 2022 here!

Image via SAYS

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