
Girls In Japan Are Making Valentine's Day Chocolates From Period Blood And Pubic Hair

Here's a Valentine's Day surprise that nobody would like, and we should also warn you that if you are currently eating something you might want to stop before you keep reading.

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If you’re an unsuspecting Japanese boy awaiting a Valentine’s Day box of homemade 'honmei choco', or 'true feelings chocolate,' you're in for a very rude shock

A “spell” trending on Twitter suggests that this year, girls “mix [their] blood” or other DNA-rich ingredients “into the Valentine’s Day chocolates” to ensure that their “love will be returned.”
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It’s unclear when or how this trend started but Twitter has been lit up recently with talk about it

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The above tweet makes reference to “menhera” which is internet slang for someone who falls somewhere between emo and Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction, meaning a person who cuts themselves to show their intense devotion towards another. The word comes from “mentaru herusu ban” (mental health board).

While that’s clearly a derogatory reference to a clingy girlfriend, a resounding number of supposed female Twitter users have claimed to add a little bit of themselves to their chocolate recipes

Some attribute a magical property to it but most tend to just refer to it as a symbolic gesture and seem surprised that this is so shocking to others.
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Going through all of the ever-growing number of tweets on the topic, these seem to be the most popular tissues and fluids used in guy’s chocolate in order from least to most “effective.”

The Japanese website Naver Matome has posted a series of tweets around the trend, filled with tweets from girls apparently lamenting the fact that their menstrual cycles don’t match up with Valentine’s Day this year

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"This year too, I’m praying that I can succeed in love, and the time has drawn near when there will be lots of boys around who will eat my scary hand-made chocolates — that I’ve made by mixing in my own blood and spit — without even knowing it," posted one woman.
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This certainly smells like a urban legend in the making with people just dying to freak folks out this holiday, but it’s hard to say for sure

The story is partially being perpetuated by the discovery of hairs in some guys’ chocolates in Valentine’s Days past.

“My buddy’s been traumatized about Valentine’s ever since he found a hair in his chocolate. That sucks, but it’s better than blood.”
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Although those hairs could have been simple cooking mishaps like you’d find at your local fast food restaurant, who can say for sure? The one thing fellas can do this year is be prepared and look for the signs. If your girl hands you chocolates with noticeably shorter nails on her fingers, beware!

Also, it would seem that menstrual blood is the ultimate “gift” as it’s the most intimate and largely a matter of timing. So, if you noticed that you got some chocolates unusually early or late, beware!

However, if your chocolate looks unusually bloody, beware! That could also be a trick.

Careful, do not throw the chocolates away as it’s probably delicious. Why? Because the person making it was probably just listening to this Twitter user.
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Seems like the Valentine’s Day is fast becoming a minefield of spit and hair in Japan. Like a wise man once said, “Life is like a box of chocolates; bloody, bittersweet, and can sometimes give you Hep-C.”

The trend is drawing a lot of attention as the thread of posts talking about these scary chocolates has already been re-tweeted over 15,000 times

The following thread translated from compilation site Naver Matome, has curated a series of tweets referring to the trend. Since being posted, this thread has been retweeted over 15,000 times, and clocked up around 200,000 views, as well as featuring on other major internet portals.
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ALSO READ: South Korea’s Latest Internet Trend Is Dinner Porn And It's Not What You Think

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