
"It Went Everywhere" — Malaysian Women Reveal All The Places They've 'Leaked' In Public

"The only saving grace I had is that my pants were black."

Cover image via Polina Zimmerman/Pexels & Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

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No matter which part of the world you hail from, periods are arguably the most exhausting and irritating five to seven days out of the month for all women

Cramps, fatigue, dehydration, bloating, and mood swings are just the tip of the iceberg

Despite dealing with periods monthly through sheer grace and poise, there's no denying that a slip or two may happen every once in awhile — and it may not be the most comfortable either.

From restaurants to public bathrooms and sometimes even in your very own home, nightmare stories of accidentally leaking are far from uncommon. Nonetheless, I'm sure there's probably a thing or two to learn from our very own Malaysian women when it comes to being prepared when the 'monthly friend' comes to pay a visit.

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Image via Sora Shimazaki/Pexels

Here are some real stories by Malaysian women on all the places they've 'leaked' in public:

1. "By the time we reached a hotel we were staying at, I was completely covered in blood"

"I once leaked while on a hike. It was an intense hike and there were no toilets anywhere. The group I was with then decided to go on a caving adventure AND another hike within the same day.

"It was horrible because I had nowhere to change my clothes. I didn't even have spare clothes. So, the whole day I was just completely uncomfortable and worrying about everywhere I was sitting.

"By the time we reached the hotel we were staying at, I was completely covered in blood and the only saving grace was that my pants were black. So embarrassing!"

— Barbara, 29 years old (she/her).

2. "Practically the entire second half of the bed was soaked in blood"

"So, the story isn't as elaborate as others may think but when I say this fully traumatised sleepovers for me — this FULLY took a chunk out of my soul.

"I went over to my friend's house on a Friday after school. We decided to stay at her place for one night just to chill and hang out. When it came to bedtime, she told me to sleep on her bed and that she would sleep in a sleeping bag I brought. I resisted at first, but she told me to just go to bed, so I relented.

"The next day, I woke up to a pool of blood all over her single-sized bed. Practically the entire second half of the bed was soaked in blood. I didn't wear [a sanitary pad] that night because I got my period a week ago. Turns out that it happened to be an irregular flow, so it came again soon after.

"She was really sweet and didn't make me feel guilty about it. But let's just say that after that instance, I've never slept without a pad when I was away from home."

— Gigi, 27 years old (she/her).

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3. "It's one thing for it to happen in an examination hall, but a whole other thing for it to occur during UPSR itself"

"It was the final day of UPSR. I still remember it happened during Science Paper 2.

"I don't know if this counts as a 'leak', but it traumatised me for real. After I finished my paper, I just sat in my chair and reread my answers. I got thirsty, so I picked up my water tumbler from floor. I undid the top and started to drink it when the worst thing that could have happened, happened.

"The bottle slipped from my hands and fell completely into my lap, a full bottle's worth of water. As it started to drip down onto the floor, the small puddle became a light tint of red — and all my classmates saw it. Thankfully, because we were just 12, the boys didn't understand it, but the girls knew what was up.

"An invigilator quickly rushed me to the bathroom and got me settled. It was an accident, I get it, but it has never left me. It's one thing for it to happen in an examination hall, but a whole other thing for it to happen during UPSR itself. I got an A for Science in the end, so I guess it all worked out."

— Sue Ann, 19 years old (she/her).

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4. "My saving grace was living five minutes away from his house"

"There was this guy in my class when I was in Form 5 who I knew had a thing for me, but I constantly blew him off cause of exams. Shortly after we left school, he moved to my neighbourhood, and lived just one row in front of me. Since it was nearby, I obliged an offer of his to come for lunch one day.

"Everything was going well! We had lunch at his dining table, and carried on there for about half an hour after just to catch up. The worst thing happened when I got up — I stained the dining chair with my blood. I wasn't wearing a pad cause I had my period two weeks prior.

"Embarrassed doesn't even cover half of what I felt. I ran home to get myself sorted immediately, and he called me to come back so we could hang out more, which I did. My saving grace was living five minutes away from his house. He was super understanding though. Clearly it made an impact since we've been married for about seven years now."

— Aman, 32 years old (she/her).

5. "It dripped down my thigh like a full-on horror movie"

"My cousin's wedding was an outdoor-themed garden party in Tuscany, Italy. Before flying off, I found this perfect dress here in Malaysia and knew it had to be the one I'd wear. There was just one problem — it was so tight that I couldn't wear underwear

"The bigger size just threw the whole look off, so I knew I'd have to forego looking spectacular or my panties for that evening. I think you can tell which route I decided to take.

"At the wedding, 'my monthly friend' came about two weeks early, and I did not have a tampon with me at the time. The best part? We were in a castle that was an hour away from the hotel. I tried to ignore it at first, and did things like not sit down, but when I went to the bathroom to check on it, it had dripped down my thigh like a full-on horror movie.

"I got so desperate I started asking members of the groom's family (cousin's spouse) for help. Luckily, one aunty had a tampon on her and saved the day."

— Anjali, 35 years old (she/her).

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6. "Safe to say, I didn't get the job"

"I was a little unhappy with my workplace at the time, and my boss knew it. Thankfully, we were close enough that when she was informed of an opening in another company for a role I was working in, she put a good word in and told me to go for it. 

"When the interview day came, I took leave and went. Why I wore a white skirt, I will never know. It was my second day, so the flow felt like a waterfall in Kanching Park. My interviewer, who was a woman, invited me into her office and we had the discussion over her desk. Nothing special, just like any interview you'd go for. After it concluded, I thought I did really well. I got up, shook her hand, and was walking out of the room — until she stopped me.

"The sheer panic in her voice instinctually informed me of what had happened. I bled through the back of my pencil skirt and onto her seat. She immediately got up to help me, but I was so mortified that I just took my blazer off and tied it around my waist. She said not to worry about the seat, so I bolted out of there. Safe to say, I didn't get the job."

— Sheila, 23 years old (she/her).

7. "I will never forget the smell that travelled through the room"

"I was training in the gym after work, and then I started to whiff the sensation of copper and blood. At first I thought, phew, who could the poor girl be, because I was covered for sure. It wasn't until I looked around that I realised I was the only girl in the gym.

"I ran so fast to the changing room that I managed to save my leggings in time, but the damage was done in the fact that I needed to take a shower. I couldn't bear to workout anymore, so I packed my things up and made my way out.

"As I was leaving and passing through the workout room, the smell lingered through the air con. I didn't know what to do, and I was too shy to say anything so I hurried out. I will never forget the smell that travelled throughout the room."

— Jane, 25 years old (she/her).

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8. "Gave a new meaning to Avatar: The Way of 'Water'"

"I won't say which cinema, but I got my period while sitting in the premiere seats watching a movie. It was so cold in the cinema that I didn't give it much thought while I was in there, I was more so trying to keep myself warm. Once I realised it had come, I didn't panic until I went to the bathroom to check on myself, and saw that my jeans were a little stained.

"I ran back to the cinema and checked the seat to make sure nothing had leaked. Thankfully, it didn't, but I think it was because I caught it in the nick of time. A few minutes later and we'd probably be receiving a lawsuit. We ended up finishing the movie there and then, but I could barely concentrate cause I didn't want an accident to happen.

"Who knew how ironic things would be — gave a new meaning to Avatar: The Way of 'Water'."

— Alex, 28 years old (she/her).

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Image via Pavel Danilyuk/Pexels

9. "Luckily, hotel security didn't come after us"

"My girls and I were so excited to have a bachelorette party in Tioman, so we packed our bags and got out there as soon as we could. Our hotel was impeccable, five stars and nothing short of sensational. I was a little bummed that I was on my period, so I made sure to be extra careful throughout my time there.

"I was most excited to swim, knowing that it didn't matter anyways. After I got in, I was splashing around, being extra with my friends so it didn't hit me until one of my girls pointed out to me that I was leaking... in the pool... and it wasn't stopping

"Flustered, I quickly got out of the pool and wrapped myself before it started in full motion all over again. I ran to my hotel suite. Luckily, hotel security didn't come after us. We didn't tell anyone, 'cause it was super embarrassing. But they've always had my back and this was no different. It just made me freak out!"

— Shanya, 30 years old (she/her).

10. "I didn't even wait for them to let us out once we landed on the tarmac, I just sprinted to the door"

"I got my period when I was on a flight with my partner coming home from a trip to Singapore. I was a little uncomfortable on the plane, and I panicked once I realised that I wasn't sweating. I had pads in my carry-on but there was no bathrooms on the flight since it was a short one

"It was only when an air stewardess noticed something was wrong that she came and asked me if I needed anything. Nothing touched me more than her rallying two other stewardesses together, who cornered off a section in the plane for me to change. My pants were stained a little, but I folded it into my carry-on so the smell would be contained.

"I didn't even wait for them to let us out once we landed on the tarmac, I just sprinted to the door. They were aware of my situation and let me off before anyone else. I didn't need to adjust anything after that, but I was too shy to stick around longer."

— Lily, 38 years old (they/them).

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Image via Oleksandr Pidvalnyi/Pexels

11. "Road trips were never my forte, and this just about proved it"

"Around November, my parents planned for us to have a road trip to Melaka with the whole family. Road trips were never my forte, and this just about proved it.

"On our way there, I got my period in the car and didn't realise it 'cause I already had a pad on and didn't care as much. Only after awhile did my mom point out the smell and I noticed that I made a mess all over the seat. My dad stopped the car and I had to sort myself out in the bushes on the highway.

"When my other relatives, who saw us randomly stop, also stopped to ask us if anything was wrong, my mum just lied and said that I was feeling giddy and carsick, so I needed to stop for a second. They carried on anyways and we followed soon after.

"I felt super guilty 'cause I thought I had ruined my dad's car, and worse — they had to endure about an hour's journey of the smell. My dad ended up going to an automobile shop to get the stain cleaned. No one made me feel bad about it, they all knew it was an accident, but it was just horrible for me."

— Natasha, 35 years old (they/them).

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Image via Djordje Petrovic/Pexels

Periods are natural and accidents happen! Here's to debunking all negative stereotypes about menstruation.

It's not just tampons and sanitary pads. Check out these other alternatives too:

Here are some myths and misconceptions about periods we just need to let go of:

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