
Here Are The Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Being Pregnant During MCO

"Is it safe to continue going to prenatal checkups?"

Cover image via Fed & Fit & Jia Shin Lee

1. How can pregnant women remain active during MCO?

Throughout pregnancy you should try to stay active. Now that we can no longer go out for walks or exercise classes, do what you can from home. Try light stretches and prenatal yoga, following YouTube tutorials. Some yoga centres have even set up online classes so you can follow live!

If exercise is not really your thing, you can still stay active by doing fun things at home, such as baking, gardening, or dancing.

2. What should pregnant women do to ensure they receive the right nutrition during this period?

Image via Health Xchange

Now that you’re eating for two, it’s important to ensure you have enough nutrients to stay energised through the day. Prepare simple nutrient-packed meals. Stay away from anything raw, unless it is a fruit or vegetable, and have your eggs and meat well done.

Remember to continue taking your vitamins and supplements as prescribed by your doctor. If you're concerned about not getting enough nutrients, consider supplementing your normal diet with maternal milk.

3. How can pregnant women avoid contracting COVID-19?

The best thing you can do is stay at home. Get your needs delivered to your home whenever possible or allow your partner to be the one to go out for essentials.

In addition to that, you should continue practising good hygiene habits including frequent hand washing, social distancing, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

According to the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, pregnant women do not appear to experience more serious effects of COVID-19 compared to other healthy adults. They add that, "the large majority of pregnant women will experience only mild or moderate cold/flu like symptoms."

4. Can COVID-19 be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her fetus?

To date, no infants born to mothers with COVID-19 have tested positive for the virus. In these cases, which are a small number, the virus was not found in samples of amniotic fluid or breastmilk.

However, experts say it may be possible, albeit rare, for pregnant mothers with COVID-19 to pass the virus to their babies.

5. Is it safe to continue going to prenatal checkups during MCO?

Image via Baby Bonus

Yes. Government clinics and hospitals will remain open during MCO, and it's important for you to try and keep your appointments. However, you should call your clinic or doctor for more information regarding your next prenatal check-up.

In general, expecting mothers will be separated from other patients, all patients will be screened and have their temperatures taken prior to entering the clinic or hospital, and your partner will not be allowed to enter with you.

6. When I go into labour, what should I bring to the hospital?

With partners no longer allowed in the hospital during labour and after birth, it's important to make sure you have everything you need packed and ready for when the time comes. 

Here's a list of necessities to pack in your overnight bag: 
- Your pregnancy "pink book"
- Face masks and hand sanitiser
- Sanitary pads and panties
- Nursing bras and pads
- Toiletries (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste)
- Towel
- Hairbrush
- A warm cardigan and socks
- Indoor slippers
- Comfortable clothes to wear upon discharge
- Your phone, charger, and powerbank

7. Can my husband bring me to the delivery room?

No, unfortunately, your husband will not be allowed to accompany you to the delivery ward. He may be allowed to carry your bag into the hospital before passing it to a nurse. This is because hospitals are trying to reduce the number of people who enter a hospital, limiting it only to patients. 

Do call the hospital where you intend to deliver for more information as they may have different rules, particularly private hospitals.

8. Is my husband allowed to stay with me in the delivery room?

No, your husband will not be allowed in the delivery room. This means you will be going through labour and birth alone.

Do take heart that you will be surrounded by experienced doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers who will do everything they can to ensure a smooth, safe, and healthy delivery.

Do call the hospital where you intend to deliver for more information as they may have different rules, particularly private hospitals..

9. After I give birth, can my husband accompany me to the maternity ward?

No, your husband will not be allowed to accompany you to the maternity ward after you give birth. If you need help, have questions or concerns, do ask a nurse.

Do call the hospital where you intend to deliver for more information as they may have different rules, particularly private hospitals..

10. Is my family allowed to visit me in the hospital?

No visitors are allowed into hospitals at this moment in time. However, some hospitals may allow visitors to bring gifts, food, and other items to patients. These will be given to security guards who will then pass them to you.

Do call the hospital where you intend to deliver for more information as they may have different rules, particularly private hospitals..

11. What do I do if I have COVID-19 symptoms?

Image via Times of India

If you have fever, cough, or difficulty breathing, consult with your doctor as soon as possible. Call beforehand and follow medical advice.

Should you present COVID-19 symptoms during labour, the hospital may test you for the virus. After which you will have to self-quarantine for 14 days or until your test comes back negative.

These are unsettling times for expecting mums, so if you have any questions or concerns, be sure to bring them up with your doctor

In the meantime, be sure to stay healthy and active while you're at home.

Enfamama A+ is committed to caring for you during your pregnancy. Scientifically formulated to support the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating mums, Enfamama A+ supplements your nutritional intake. 

Image via Enfamama A+

Enfamama A+ with 360° DHA Plus contains a unique blend of nutrients:

Image via Enfamama A+

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